Finding Pyramid Pathways

26 July to 16 October 2022 

Discovering the Ancient Paths

When I read this verse a few months ago, I asked God to show me what he really means by 'the ancient paths', for I felt that my perspective of ancient paths would not be accurate to what he may be hinting at through Jeremiah. And lo and behold, God in his goodness and grace opened my mind and eyes to see what I'm about to share on this page. 

I've come to realise that time is the most ancient path; time has been around since the moment God created the universe; therefore, it makes sense that the numbers of time do have concealed treasures of old waiting to be opened and for us to marvel at the hidden workings of how this earth operates and functions. Why else would God say the above passage from Jeremiah and Proverbs? He hopes we will ask the right questions and when we do ask him the right questions he opens the gateways of heaven of wisdom and knowledge. 

"It is the glory of God to conceal a matter and the glory of kings to search it out. As the heavens are high and the earth is deep,. . ." 

Proverbs 25:2 - 3.

To confirm that this understanding was not of the enemy, I asked God the Holy Spirit to lead me to the truth, his deep truth and show a sign if it is him and not a spirit of darkness. He then reminded me of a passage from Matthew 7:11 which removed all doubt from that day.

"If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!"

—  Matthew 7:11.

The most remarkable thing I see from Matthew is that the numbers correlate with the Hebrew calendar patterns, where the 7th month is changed to the 1st month and vice-versa. The word Matthew has 7 letters; then there's chapter 7, verse 11. So there are two 7's and two 1's (eleven ).  Knowing how God speaks in numbers, I felt he was saying that he is giving a double confirmation that he is speaking to me.

Opening the Paths

The idea to enter all primary clock points (CPs) from 3 to 36 onto Google Earth was the first step. The second step was to condense all double-digit numbers into one digit; these numbers then emerged as the three numbers regarded as keys to the universe quoted by Nikola Tesla as 3-6-9. 

The surfacing of these three numbers then led me to connect all the 3s, the 6s and the 9s and each number was given a colour code to differentiate from the other.  Once these numbers were colour-coded I felt led to then draw these onto an A3 sketch paper and that's when I realised that the sketch had to be drawn digitally to fully comprehend what I concluded from the rough sketch as seen in the drawings.

Figure 1-The image above displays my first attempt of drawing digitally what I had drawn on sketch paper.
Figure 2-The image above displays my incomplete second attempt at drawing digitally what I had drawn on sketch paper.
Figure 3-The image above displays my third of nine attempts at drawing digitally what I had drawn on sketch paper.

The first attempted drawing was drawn after I entered all thirty-six clock numbers. However, it was after realising that I was onto something then only did the third drawing become possible. The second incomplete drawing is unfinished because while connecting the black points which were forming rectangles did I suddenly have the idea to condense the numbers to one digit and go from there. 

Figure 4-The orange image displays the fourth attempted drawing to replicate the colour of the Pyramid of Giza. The first four drawings were created around July.
Figure 5-The image above displays parallel drawings of the first four attempts drawn 16th October 2022. The reconstruction of the Pyramid paths had the numbers added.
Figure 6-The image above displays the middle pyramid drawing with the inclusion of the Prime Meridian and the Equator represented in blue lines.

After the drawing-fiesta an idea began to formulate; could it be that what is before me is what the ancients have been trying to tell us but in Pyramid form? Is that why God preserved the Pyramid of Giza? 

According to ancient texts penned by Flavius Josephus, Seth and his family were the inventors of astronomy, knowledge passed on by his father Adam (the first man created; therefore he can be likened to ‘the ancient with profound knowledge’) and to ensure their inventions and discoveries learnt from the stars relating to the earth’s destruction by water and fire made two pillars one of brick (to survive the flood), the other of stone in hopes that future generations would find their predictions located in the land of Siriad now known as Egypt (Whiston 2022, location 3428).

Winslow (2009) makes a staggering comment stating: ‘in Josephus’ Greek original, it is suggested that he used instead of στύλος meaning ‘pillar’, he wrote πυραμος meaning ‘pyramos’ a ‘self-standing pillar of fire and knowledge’.

Think about it! 

Seth would have known what Adam his father passed on. Could it be that the middle of the earth has a power that once we 'know' how to use may enhance humanity? Why would the literal numbers on the clock lead me to the crossroads of the equator and prime meridian? (and on multiple occasions).  The word 'fire' could be the path of the sun which runs along the equator and 'knowledge' could mean, knowing where to look but only decryptable when the numbers of the clock are opened. 

Figure 7-The image above displays the discovery of the six-pointed star unearthed by Missler's π decoded from Genesis 1:1. The other geometric shapes were decoded from the Hebrew calendar pattern which inturn has an uncanny resemblance to Rodin's Enneagrams.  
Figure 8-The image above displays the merging of the six-pointed star with the pyramid pathways in 3D form.

An article from World Mysteries Blog (2011 p. 5) notes an exciting measurement for the base of the missing capstone for the Pyramid of Giza as 3.1428 royal cubits, and the number seems to complement Missler’s π 3.1416.  Rounding the royal cubits measurement to 3.60 (14 + 28 = 42, 4 + 2 = 6) and Missler’s π to 3.30 (14 + 16 = 30) show an intriguing correlation with the image containing the numbers: 3.30 and 3.60 circled in pink.

Figure 9-The above image displays the image from World Mysteries Blog showing the likely measurements in royal cubits for the base of the missing capstone.
Figure 10-The image above displays Missler's π 3.1416 rounded to one decimal (14 + 16 = 30). 3.30 or 3.3. And the capstone measurement for the Pyramid of Giza as 3.1428 royal cubits (14 +28 = 42, 4 + 2 = 6), seen as 3.6.

The royal cubit numbers and the numbers from the clock show an inexpressible correlation especially when the measurement form (whether the measurements are in km, royal cubits, cm, feet or inches) is removed.


From what I've learnt from research, there's a lot we don't know and might come to know in the future and that the Jewish feasts somehow not just point to Jesus as saviour but also point to his concealed works around the world. 

The trinity so happen to conceal their message that affirms that "seeking their hidden creative works guards our eyes from idol sin"[1]. 


Bible Hub 2022, 'Proverbs 25: 2-3', viewed 17 October 2022

Bible Hub 2022, 'Matthew 7: 11', viewed 17 October 2022

Whiston, W 2022, ‘The complete works of Flavius Josephus, Antiquities book 1’, 1st edn, E-book, viewed 1 September 2022 

Winslow, A  1998, The pillar in the sand of Siriad, Squires publishing, viewed 1 September 2022

World-Mysteries, 2011, ‘Mystery of the great pyramid missing capstone’, blog, pdf, viewed 14 October 2022


[1] Click here to see how the Triune-God concealed a message in the name of the Hebrew calendar months.