Abraham's Army 318

Trinity Matrix in Abraham's Army

Image 1-Screenshot of Abraham's Army of 3181

Thinking in terms of clock points (CPs), the number 318 nests at CP 6, while the number 318 equal 12 [3 + 1 + 8 = 12]

Here we see the hidden Triune God matrix discovered from Hebrew & clock number patterns of six and twelve. These hint at a primary borderline code. 

"15 And he divided himself against them, he and his servants, by night, and smote them, and pursued them unto Hobah, which is on the left hand of Damascus."

 Genesis 14:15KJV

Clock Points Explained

The Bible passage in Genesis 14:15 shows how Abraham divided his 318 trained servants, we also see the hint of the Bible book having its own one and seven [Genesis is the first book, and has seven letters]; and we can see when there’s a one and seven, four is always hiding in plain sight and when there’s a four, there’s a two. Two when added equals six and when there’s a six, there’s bound to be a three, and nine (when we round 12 to three). As seen earlier, these two numbers were unveiled in the number 318. 

The verse number [15] is also hinting at the borderline code. The border of deliverance. Abraham violently delivered his brother Lot by entering the borderlines of the enemy. The number 15 when added equals six [1 + 5 = 6], thus reaffirming the ‘war of man’,  man’s domain with the assistance of the Holy Spirit hidden in Abram’s leading servant Eliezer. Eliezer’s name has six letters which equate to 12 as we calculated earlier. Here we see the Holy Spirit in the Spirit realm [12] working behind the scenes. Using his servant Abram who had the help of his 318 trained servants who had a good leader - Eliezer [6 & 12]. 

Number 15 also sits at CP 3 and number 318 sits at CP 6

Nesting Numbers

CP 3 = vs15 P2 (24hr) vs15 = 6 P1 (12hr) 

CP 6 = 318 P15 (180hr) 318   = 12 P1 (12hr)


1. Missler, 1999, Cosmic Codes, p. 296