8 January 2021 - Day of insight to 7 October 2022 - Day of revealing insight

Microcosm & Macrocosm Menorah Secrets


The Holy Spirit taught me in 2018 that prayer is a dialogue, not a monologue. A dialogue is a conversation between two beings where one talks and the other listens and vice-versa. He also taught me that before I pray, he, Jesus and God the Father in heaven already know what I am about to say. His word says:

 "7But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking. 8Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him" 

 Matthew 6:7.

Therefore, I've learnt to listen to the Holy Spirit and his hosts who are sent to reveal the secrets of God, for God is speaking, and all I have to do is sit and listen. After all, the word "ear" occurs 120 times in 118 verses in the KJV. For when he says to pray always, he means not just to talk but also to listen, for listening is part of praying, including thanksgiving; when I listen, I'm blown away by what he says and what he always says deserves thanksgiving especially his secrets he reveals. The passage below proves my understanding, it reads: 

"16 Rejoice evermore.17 Pray without ceasing.18 In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.19 Quench not the Spirit. [don't leave when God is in mid-sentence, it's rude to interrupt because of distractions] 20 Despise not prophesyings.21 Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.22 Abstain from all appearance of evil.23 And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 24 Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it" 

1 Thessalonians 5:16-24.

Unwrapping the Menorah

The unwrapping of the Menorah is one insight revealed by the Holy Spirit while listening to him speak. The drawing of the Menorah from ground view and from God's view shows very different interpretations.

These drawings are based on an ornamental Menorah purchased on e-bay back in 2015 because I was curious and wondered what a real menorah looked like.  A couple of photos were taken to show what a real menorah looks like but click here to see the golden replica on display in Jerusalem, Israel. The display is a replica of God's specific instructions personally given to Moses. 

Photo 1-Displays a personal ornamental Menorah from ground, eye-level view.
Photo 2-Displays a personal ornamental Menorah from 'God's view' or 'sky view'. 

Microcosm Menorah

Discovering 4 Types of Interpretation

1st Interpretation

Figure 1-Displays the Menorah from ground view (Bull's interpretation).

2nd Interpretation

Figure 2-Displays the Menorah from God's view (Man's interpretation).

3rd Interpretation

Figure 3-Displays the Menorah God's view with added triangles forming the Star of David (Lion's interpretation).

There are four six-sided hexagons; therefore: six multiplied by four equates to twenty-four (6 x 4 = 24), thus revealing the connection between the twelve-hour and the twenty-four-hour clock. The menorah is the clock,  the star of David,  God's bow, and the tabernacle of Moses when cut in half, and is key to understanding the separate dimensions we live in, and that is around us. 

On a side note, the hexagons on earth are more than four, these are Jacobs Ladder; click here to see how these are Jacobs ladder and here to see how there are more hours to the clock. The further away from earth, the larger the numbers but the spirit that maintains these doors are the same. 

4th Interpretation

Looking at the four views of the Menorah, I was reminded of a Bible passage, which reads: 

'"And he that sat was to look upon like a jasper and a sardine stone: and there was a rainbow round about the throne, in sight like unto an emerald" Revelation 4:3 KJV.

From analysing the two joined Menorahs, there's a rainbow; these also form three circles (black circles), a hint that when the Menorah was lit by the High Priest, it would activate the unseen half of the bow located in the heavenly realm. An image from an experiment conducted in 2015 is below to highlight the rainbow view. 

Experiment Explained

Cutips were cut in half and were hot clued to the ornament sections, which would normally hold a candle if the ornament was a real lampstand.  Each brush had the three primary colours pasted, and the ornament was used as a painting tool to paint the rainbow picture. 

Photo 3-Displays experiment number 6, using cutips to paint a full circle rainbow. The full circle derives from moving the menorah as a paint tool in a clockwise motion. The bow appears to also have 'an eye' staring at us. 

Figure 4 menorah drawing has eyes instead of candles to indicate 'eyes that see' and implies that these are God's 7 spirits that SEES EVERYTHING, no matter if the lampstand is lite or not. 

Figure 4a-Displays the mirror imaging of the Menorah  from the sky point forming a rainbow(Eagle's interpretation).

Another illustration of the Menorah when looking at it from the Eagle's view (connecting Heaven's rainbow/"menorah") to see the different layers of dimensions.

Figure 4b-Eagle view of the menorah.

Careful examination reveals that there are shapes of hexagons from the 'man's interpretation' image when halved, showing a type of flat-top tent or Tabernacle.

The most intriguing thing I find amazing is the intertwined circles, hexagons, and triangles. The circle reminds me of the circle of the world; the hexagons form the rectangles, which are evident in our literal world from a literal perspective. The stands of the Menorah also hint at types of pillars. Placing these onto the clock surface has led to other discoveries that can be read here

The placing of the Menorah onto the digital clock that led me to the idea of using Pi (π). But not just any π. Click here to read my testimony on how God led me to Dr Chuck Missler's π, which he decoded from Genesis 1:1.

Rectangles, triangles and hexagons on the Menorah

This section briefly shows how the rectangles connect with the hexagons and how the triangles are part of the hexagons derived from the menorah, also known as the lampstand. Figures 5a and 5b illustrate how these shapes are intertwined. The technical grey version illustrates a verdict reached by thinking in literal terms coupled with the Hebrew calendar number pattern.

When the star of David is visible (grey triangles), it implies an active realm or maybe active age. When the triangles are invisible (the middle of the menorah), these indicate deactivated areas, realms and ages. The numbers from the Hebrew calendar pattern are key to precise locations worldwide.  

Click here to see how the rectangles, the hexagons and the Hebrew calendar number pattern direct us to Moses Tabernacle, which gives clues to ancient, hidden pathways around the world in which the ancients have relayed via the Pyramid of Giza. 

Figure 5a-Displays the rectangles which are on all six sides of the menorah. However, for illustration purposes, only two sides had rectangles drawn. 
Figure 5b-Displays the rectangles on the North and South side of the menorah and beside it is the technical version of what these look like when activated or deactivated.

Macrocosm Menorah 

The macrocosm Menorah was only discovered after reading the ancient text of Enoch. In a nutshell, Adoil is a being of light and Archas the being of darkness. They are the beings of the two great ages before the angels were created. Adoil is the boundary of the macrocosm of light while Archas is the boundary of the macrocosm of darkness. There's more to the picture, but just to throw it out there, Adoil is a pun for 'add oil' in the Menorah here on earth.  

Figure's 6a and 6b-Displays the Jewish Menorah on a macrocosm scale that are combined with clock numbers and the seven spirits of God.

A Snippet of the Macrocosm Menorah Beings

Figure 7a-The image above displays a retyping of God creating Day one according to God's view derived from Dr Nyland's translated book (Enoch's books 1 - 3).

Thinking about how the Jews lit the Menorah in the temple, the source of the flame was olive oil, not candles. Each oil compartment was detachable and able to be screwed and unscrewed to remove the oil compartments. (Harman, 2017 7.45minutes)[i]

Oil is added to the lamps and sits at the top of the branches. A peculiar ancient text (2nd book of Enoch) mentions how God summoned a being before the first day of creation named ‘Adoil’ (light of creation) whose light was bright as God, and God told the light to fix itself above his throne (Nyland, 2010 pp. 221-223), interestingly, the name ‘Adoil’ seems to be a pun to ‘add oil’ in the lamps. Pure olive oil was the requirement which gives light to the entire lampstand when lit, inferring Adoil is a pure being (Harman, 2017).

Fruit of the Holy Spirit Reveals Keys to the Universe (3-6-9)

Below is an illustration of the Nine-handle Jewish lampstand used for Hanukah, it is mind-blowing how the three number patterns found  within the Hebrew Calendars and clock's number patterns. The numbers are placed along the flames to highlight the unity of the Trinity.

Figure 7b-Three number patterns found in the Hebrew Calendars and clock lead to fruit of the Holy Spirit.

The Seven Heavens

Figure 7c-A visual of God creating the seven circles inside (?) These appear to be seven different universes or heavens, with Earth and its universe[1] in the middle (or last, lowest without many resources [compared to the other six]). The three-number patterns are the Trinity God. All are accessible by a thin layer. 

The Menorah merged on Earth with the Hebrew Calendar Number Pattern

The Hebrew calendar number pattern was added to the earth which in turn uncovered the nine-handle lampstand. The numbers 12 and 6 were transformed into the fire around the middle of the earth to match the South and North, East and West sun sources, the red around the numbers indicate the hottest region on earth. 

Figure 8a-The above globe displays the merging of the earth with the Hebrew calendar sequence and the nine-handle lampstand from God's view (man's interpretation). The hexagons show a 'type' of dimension levels and a 'type' of path connections and the flames are 6 and 12 activated from the sun and earth. Whereas the circles with numbers were derived from the Hebrew calendar patterns.Updated: 18 October 2022.
Table 1-The table above displays the Hebrew months in their consecutive number pattern changes. 

Affirming Bible Passage:

And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, behold, the tabernacle of God [is] with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, [ and be] their God.


From a literal, technical view, the menorah revealed that it is the "STAR-OF-DAVID", when activated by the Holy Spirit or fire. The image below portrays what it looks like when the menorah is activated (grey star) and when it's closing. The three layers imply the different realms with the opening and closing of doors. 

The possible secret is within the pyramid pathways when contemplating on pathways that are opened. When the realms are opened using the correct key, which could very well be all those who are 'born-again' or blood-redeemed.  Travel is only plausible by those belonging to Jesus. Any other type of source may result in utter catastrophe that could annihilate humanity. The book of Leviticus gives a glimpse of what may transpire when unholy fire is assumed resulting in death. 

Figure 9-Displays a technical view of the menorah when in the process of being activated within the different realms. 

There may be a "time of twos", a time where one unbeliever will be yoked with a believer because the believer is redeemed can travel through the "unseen" realms just as the Holy Spirit spirited Philip to the Ethiopian. 

"40Then two men will be in the field: one will be taken and the other left. 41Two women will be grinding at the mill: one will be taken and the other left." 

  Matthew 24:40 & 41.

"34 I tell you, in that night there shall be two men in one bed; the one shall be taken, and the other shall be left. 35 Two women shall be grinding together; the one shall be taken, and the other left.36 Two men shall be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left." 

 Luke 17:34-36.

Overall, the menorah appears to be a map for the Heavens and Earth, the micro and the macro.  Understanding the different views led to understanding the matrix of numbers, which will assist in greater works (instead of "walking on water", running on water will be possible); instead of touching to heal the sick, walking by their door will heal them. 

"Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father." 

John 14:12.


Agarwal, P and Agarwal, H et al., 2013, Birth, growth and computation of pi to ten trillion digits

Bible Gateway, 2022, 1 Thessalonians 5: 16-24

Bible Hub, 2022, Matthew 6: 7

Harman, 2017 7.45minutes

King James Bible Online, 2022, Revelation 4: 3

Missler, C 2017, Cosmic Codes

Nyland, A, 2010 Complete books of Enoch (1, 2 and 3) 


[i] Harmon, T 2017, Mosaic Tabernacle Exodus 25: 31-40 and the 7-Branch Menorah by Dr. Terry Harmon, The Tabernacle Man, YouTube (7.19minutes), viewed 18 August 2022, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lgkr877s1zo

[1] Earth and universe boundary image used for all seven circles from Wiki Commons, File: Pablo Carlos Budassi, CC BY-SA 4.0, viewed 31 December 2022., https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0, via Wikimedia Commons.