Order of the 'Trums'

26 September 2022

The ‘Trums’ Prophetic Roles

Another marvellous find is the name, Truman and Trump. Starting with the name Truman. When applying Missler’s Formula, the name Truman results in nine, while the four letters of the word ‘Trum’ equates to three.

Figure 1-The figure above displays Missler's formula used to decrypt Genesis 1:1. Missler's formula is key to decoding the Trums values and the significance of their names in prophecy. Source: Cosmic Codes (Missler, 2017 p.464).

Calculating the Trums

Trum: T = 9, r = 200, u = 6, m = 40, therefore,  9 + 200 + 6 + 40 = 255

           = 255

           = 4 x 255/1 x 1

           = 1’020

           = 3*

The four letters from Trum x the product of the letters (255)/Trum (one word), x 1 (one word).

*Keeping in mind when we use the pattern from the Hebrew Calendar when there's a 3 there's a 9. The numbers 3 and 9 are the borders of the spirit and earth realms. There's always a mess whenever there's about to be a breakthrough. Click here to see how Jesus's death connects to the numbers 3 and 9.

Pie Chart 1-The pie chart above displays the numbers that seem prominent in the realm division. 

Truman's value

Truman: T = 9, r = 200, u = 6, m = 40, a = 1, n = 50, therefore,  9 + 200 + 6 + 40 + 1 + 50 = 306

           = 6 x 306

           = 1’836/1 (1 + 8 + 3 + 6 = 18)

           = 9

Harry: H =  5, a = 1, r = 200, r = 200, y = 10, therefore, 5 + 1 + 200 + 200 + 10 = 416

           = 5 x 416

   = 2’080/1 x 1 (2 + 0 + 8 + 0)

   = 10

The Hebrew Alphabet with number values

Figure 2-The figure above displays the Hebrew Alphabet with it's number values used to calculate the Trums values. 

The year (1948) Truman recognises Israel as a state falls on the 4th month of the old Hebrew calendar but the 10th month of the new Hebrew calendar. Three means Godhead, while nine means judgement (Jackson, 2012 p. 180). When condensing 1948, we get four, thus, hinting at a global displacement of Jews during Israel’s judgment - the holocaust, which ended on the 8th of May 1945 and led them back to Israel from the four corners of the world. 

Intriguingly, condensing the year 1945 equals ten (10) and also falls on CP 1, aligning with the first (1st) month of Nisan – the month when the Jews celebrate the feast of Passover. The below figure displays the merged Gregorian and Hebrew calendar that is used as the point of reference to reinstate the connections for the numbers for these upcoming sections.

The 2 Calendars and the 2 Trums

Figure 3-The figure above displays the readjusted Hebrew calendar merged with the clock structure[1] and the Gregorian calendar (we westerners use) is hued in pink and the months are numbered in roman numerals to avoid confusion. This figure needs to be used as a point of reference to understand the paragraphs below and understand the entirety of the decoding of the Trums and their prophetic significance.  

Recalling how Missler (2016, p.68) reestablishes the importance of the two calendars used by the Jews, Nisan was the seventh (7th) month in the old Hebrew calendar but the first (1st) month in the new Hebrew calendar. Once again, giving a solid stand that when the numbers are added, they equate to eight (7 +1 = 8). From a biblical perspective, eight (8) means new beginnings (Jackson, 2012 p.180). 

Upon reading Peck’s book: ‘The Lost Prophecies of Qumran’, he guides his readers to a ‘discovery and deciphering of the Essene Calendar from the Dead Sea Scrolls (Peck, 2020 p. 73) reconstructed by Dr Ken Johnson. The website has easy-to-understand and well-structured ancient calendars. However, in keeping with the above theme, I’ll focus on Enoch’s ninth prophecy on the different ages of man.

Figure 4-Enoch's 9th Week

Source: Dead Sea Scrolls Calendar (DSS 2021- Enoch's Ninth Week Prophecy). 

1 Enoch says: ‘Then after that, in the ninth week, the just judgment will be revealed to the whole world. All the deeds of the ungodly will disappear from the whole earth, the world will be marked for destruction, and all people will look for the just pathway ’ (Nyland, 2010 p.162).

Upon studying Dr Johnson's constructed timeline wheel based on Enoch’s prophecy, the clear message reveals that we’re seemingly in the ninth week. Enoch's first sentence highlights Israel's reestablishment during the second beginning of the Millennium age. To view the reconstructed Dead Sea Scrolls Calendar visit https://dsscalendar.org/ 

The Trums Divine Destiny

The ‘Trums’ appear to have a prophetic placing on God’s divine plan:

Video 1-Trump recognising Jerusalem as Israel's capital. 
Source: New York Times (2017).

Nevertheless, the same number pattern is evident. For example, 2017 falls in line with the old first (1st) month of the Hebrew calendar and the seven (7th) of the new Hebrew calendar.

 Wednesday has nine (9) letters and is the third (3rd) day of the week, and it so happens December has eight (8) letters and is the twelfth month – twelve (12) means government (Jackson, 2012 p.180). 

The day so happens to be on the sixth (6), ironically 2017, when condensed equal ten (10), which means ‘journey’ or one (1), which means  God (Jackson, 2012 p.180). 

Hinting a government (US president Trump) will move the capital from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem (Sporcle Blog, 2018). A journey that will take place (Trump travels to Israel) is God’s plan.

On the 21st of February, 2018, Dr Randal Price mentioned in his article that it took the USA government 70 years to change its policy to recognise Jerusalem as Israel’s capital (Price, 2018). He argues that:

‘From a religious perspective, the Bible, which mentions Jerusalem more than any other place (about 800 times), states, “the Lord has chosen Jerusalem and will dwell there forever” (Psalm 132:13-14) and expressly calls upon God’s people to never forget Jerusalem and to “exalt it above their chief joy” (Psalm 137:5-6) . . .’ (Price 2018, para 6).

As we examine the Presidents' names, Truman and Trump, each president has the four identical ‘Trum’ letters in their name. 

Trump's value

Calculating Trump’s name reveals the following:

Trump = T = 9, r = 200, u = 6, m = 40, p = 80

= 335

= 5 x 335/ 1 x 1

= 1’675 (1 + 6 + 7 + 5 = 19)

= 10 (1 + 0 = 1) 



10/2 = 5

= 5


Donald = D = 4, o = 6, n = 50, a = 1, l = 30, d = 4

    = 95

    = 6 x 95/1 x 1

    = 570 (5 + 7 + 0)

    = 12 

  or  3

*Keep in mind when we refer to the Hebrew calendar sequence, when there's a 1, there's a 7; when there's a 10 there's a 4; when there's a 5 there's an 11 and when there's a 9 there's a 3. 

We can see Truman starts with nine (9) while Trump ends with three (3).


According to Jackson’s biblical number chart (2012 p. 180), one means God and five (5) means grace/redemption, thus hinting that God is showing his grace to his people, the Jews, through a redeemed vessel.


However, the number ten (10) signifies ‘perfection of Divine order, or completion of a circle and an order (Bullinger, 2011 p. 233). Apparently, the two American Presidents of interest play an important role in prophecy, specifically Trump for the coming future. Trump, whether Donald or one of his own, may initiate the entire world into the last stage. For after nine is ten. The ‘Trums’ are but God’s warning to us all. 

According to Dr Johnson, he asserts the following:

‘[I]srael was reestablished in 5873 AM (AD 1948). The seven-year Tribulation should be the seven years prior to the start of the Millennial Reign. The Zadok priests believed that the Millennial Reign would begin in the year 6000 AM (AD 2075).

It is interesting to note that if the year 6000 AM is March 2075 to March 2076, and if that is the start of the one thousand years, then the beginning of the seven-year tribulation period could be seven years prior, March 2067 to March 2068. If God gave us a 120-year warning period like He did the pre-flood world in Genesis 6:3, then 2068 minus 120 years would have been AD 1948. This was the year of the re-establishment of the nation of Israel. Right on time!’ (Dead Sea Scrolls, 2021).

When we examine the year 2025 AD which Dr Johnson predicts to be the beginning of the new Kingdom Age and the year 2075 AD which the Zadok priests believed to be the beginning of the Millennial Reign. We get 50 years difference between the two years. 

2075 - 2025 = 50

Could this number (5) signify Trump's second term/appointment in office? 

In hindsight to the 120 years, it took Noah 120 years to build the ark. Missler (2020, p.171) affirms the timeline he says: ‘Noah obeyed the Lord even though there was no “rain” it those days and he labored for 120 years to build the Ark’.


The significance of the ‘Trums’ in Israel’s restoration prophecy of old where they will be gathered and restored is tabulated to assist with further understanding of how the numbers add up. 

Table 1-The above table displays the Trums number calculations with their respective unwrapped meanings, messages and significant roles they played and will play.

As we probe deeper at table 1, observe how Trums = 3, Truman = 9 and Donald = 3. The 3 begins East (Israel is in the Middle east) of any clock and 9 is fixed on the West (America is in the West or is a Western civilisation) of the Clock. 

The Unfolded Prophecy 

Now focusing on prophecy for Israel, the three verses from a list of bible verses aligning with the ‘Trums’ vessels who partake in the gathering and restoring of God’s people, the Hebrews are:  

1.     Ezekiel 11: 17 reads: ‘Therefore say, Thus saith the Lord God; I will even gather you from the people, and assemble you out of the countries where ye have been scattered, and I will give you the land of Israel’ (Bible Hub 2022).


2.      Isaiah 11:12 & 14 reads: ‘12And he shall set up an ensign for the nations, and shall assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather together the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth. 14But they shall fly upon the shoulders of the Philistines toward the west; they shall spoil them of the east together: they shall lay their hand upon Edom and Moab; and the children of Ammon shall obey them’ (Bible Hub 2022).

A background essay on Truman and his recognition of Israel discovered among the documents of the Truman Presidential Museum & Library affirms the three bible verses quoted earlier. First, the essay highlights that ‘the Balfour Declaration was scheduled to expire and Great Britain would no longer rule Palestine’(Magnino, 2013, p.1) in 1948. 

The Balfour Declaration ‘transferred rule of the middle-eastern region known as Palestine to the British Empire as a temporary national home for Jewish people’ (Magnino, 2015, p.1) in 1917. The most intriguing detail of the ‘ensign’ mentioned in Isaiah 5:26 and 11:12 of power appears in the official document signed by Truman and the correction he made to the document before officiating the State of Israel.

The Ensign of Recognition

Figure 5-Official document from the USA National Archives announcing President Truman's recognition of the State of Israel, 14 May 1948 at 6:11 am (Magnino, 2015, p.1).Source: National Archives | Harry S Truman Library and Museum | Recognition of Israel (2015).

Strong’s H5264 definition outlays ‘ensign’ in Hebrew as נֵס nêç, nēs, pronounced as nace; a flag; also a sail; by implication, a flagstaff; generally a signal; figuratively, a token:—banner, pole, sail, (en-) sign, standard (Blue Letter Bible, 2022, nēs).

The words: ‘ . . . they shall fly upon the shoulders of the Philistines towards the west; they shall spoil them on the east together . . .’ located in Isaiah 11:14 is a very distinguishable detail. The provided map of the different time periods from 1920 to 1967 gives yet another remarkable proof of the influx of Hebrews once officiated as a nation.

Map 1-The maps above display the Hebrew/Jewish settlements before and after the officiated State of Israel marked in orange.Source: National Archives | Harry S Truman Library and Museum | Recognition of Israel (2015).

The official State of Israel map indicated that Jewish settlements increased significantly, evident in the orange hue in less than two decades (18 years). 

Thus finalising (18 years/2 = 9 or 8 + 1 = 9) the ‘swift’ and ‘speedy’ fullness of the land read in Isaiah 5: 26 (5 + 2 + 6 + 6 (total letters in Isaiah) = 19 (10 or 1).

'D-Day' Significance

The mentioned events were only possible after D-Day, which occurred on the 6th of June 1944. D-Day began on ‘June 6 of that year; under the code name Operation “Overlord,” US, British, and Canadian troops crossed the English Channel and landed on the beaches of Normandy, France. 

Since then, June 6, 1944, has been known in World War II history as “D-Day.” . . . the Allied landing in northern France in June of 1944 that ultimately ensured Allied victory over the Nazis (United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, n.d).

'D-Day' Year Encrypted in the Clock

AD 1944 is astoundingly tucked away within the primary clock numbers but only discoverable when the four primary points are multiplied. The date – six and the sixth month (June) from the Gregorian calendar nests on the third month on the Hebrew Calendar, the numbers three and six equal nine, which also signify the conclusion of World War II.

The multiplied primary CPs are: CP 3 x CP 6 x CP 9 x CP 12 = 1,944.

The uncovered phenomenon consists of four numbers that appear to represent the four corners of the world from a satellite globe perspective with the compass points on show. For example, three (3) is East; six (6) is South; nine (9) is West and twelve (12) is North revealing a ‘world’ event, aka ‘World War II’. 

The number 1944 nests on CP twelve (12) and aligns with Adar, the twelfth (12th) month on the Hebrew calendar, the month where the Feast of Purim is celebrated. As we compare the year 1944 with the Hebrew calendar pattern of the last month becoming first and the first month becoming last, pinpoints to CP six (6) that aligns with the Hebrew sixth (6th) month Elul.

On a side note, world war two ending stages appear to resemble the same clapping point discussed on a previous page: 'Jesus in 3-6-9 codes'.

Imagine if CPs nine (9) and three (3) were able to clap. Their meeting zone will be at CP 12.

Sphere representing the Dates

Figure 6-The above sphere displays the key dates (days, months and years) and their alignment with the clock numbers representing the 'Trums' fulfilling their divine purposes.  The clock hours 12, 24 and 36 continue in a spiral form which in turn reaches numbers 1944, 1948 and 2017 and continuing. 1948 - 2017 = 69 years. The year 1948 sums to 4, a number which means God's "creative works", the year 2017 sums to 10 or 1; ten means God's will. The number 69 rests at CP 9 and is a borderline number.
To simplify the message, imagine the numbers continuing in a vortex, spiral, circular form from number 36 onwards until we reach the numbers mentioned above. 


Overall, God means what he says and doesn't deny himself. He assigns, guides and leads vessels to fulfill his divine plan regardless of our opinion of the vessel.

"But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of earth; and some to honour, and some to dishonour. - 2 Timothy 2:20."

He also placed his fingerprints in numbers and made a bizarre note in the book of Revelation that all who have wisdom and understanding will know the "number" of the beast (aka antichrist). 

"Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six (666).- Revelation 13:18 "

Perhaps Chuck Missler's formula (used in this page) is one of the primary views that enable us to calculate the number of the beast. For wisdom and understanding are two of the seven spirits of God.


Bible Hub 2022, ‘A promise of restoration – Ezekiel 11:17’, viewed 30 September 2022.

Bible Hub 2022, 'The Root of Jesse - Isaiah 11: 12 & 14', viewed 30 September 2022.

Bible Hub 2022, 'The Lord's approved workman - 2 Timothy 2: 20', viewed 30 December 2022.

Bible Hub 2022, 'The mark of the Beast - Revelation 13:18', viewed 30 December 2022. 

Blue Letter Bible 2022, Lexicon: Strong's H5264 - nāsas, KJV, viewed 30 September 2022.

Bullinger, E 2022, ‘Number in Scripture: It's Supernatural Design and Spiritual Significance’, Kindle Edn, viewed 28 September 2022.

Jackson, J 2012, ‘Number chart’, Institute for Spiritual Development, viewed 28 September 2022. 

Johnson, K 2021, DSS Calendar - Enoch's Prophecy Week 9 Jubilees, viewed 20 October 2022.

Magnino, B 2015, ‘Background essay on Harry S. Truman and the recognition of Israel’, pdf, National Archives, Truman Presidential Library, viewed 1 October 2022.

Missler, C 2017, 'Cosmic Codes', Koinonia House Inc, viewed 26 September 2022. 

Missler, C 2020, pdf, ‘The book of Genesis session 11: Genesis 6,’ Koinonia House Inc., viewed 3 October 2022. 

Landler, M 2017, Trump recognises Jerusalem as Israel's capital and orders U.S Embassy to move, New York Times -Middle East, viewed 28 September 2022.

Nyland, A, 2010 Complete books of Enoch (1, 2 and 3), viewed 28 September 2022.

Peck, J 2020, The lost prophecies of Qumran, Defender Publishing, Defender, Crane, MO.

Price, R 2018, ‘Examining the significance of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital’, Liberty Journal, viewed 28 September 2022.

Sporcle Blog 2022, ‘Jerusalem vs. Tel Aviv – what is the capital of Israel?’, blog post, viewed 28 September 2022.

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum n.d, ‘Holocaust encylopedia D-Day’, viewed 1 October 2022.

US Embassy In Israel, 2017, President Trump in Israel; Remarks by President Trump at the Israel Museum, viewed 28 September 2022.


[1] Hebrew calendars are usually twisted to the left by 30 degrees. I had to readjust to match the clock numbers to avoid any confusion.