Decoding America's Hidden Future

2 October 2022

America's Hidden Future found in the Bermuda, Roswell & Revelation 13 

Bizarre Connections to Roswell and the Bermuda

The discovery of America's hidden future lay hidden within three types of hours which are the 12-hour, 24-hour and 36-hour. All clock numbers (which are referred to as clock points) from 1 to 36 were then multiplied by Missler’s π pi 3.1416 which in turn unearthed an unexpected coordinate pattern once plotted onto Google Earth. One of the patterns within the North West region displays a broader swath of the Bermuda Triangle, engulfing Roswell, Washington DC and areas of known UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon). 

After plotting clock points multiplied by Missler's pi, I decided to see if any landmarks contained any other hidden clues. My research led me to a particular pattern of emblems marked in teal-hue on the map below.

Map 1-The map above displays a portion of the discovered broader Bermuda swath in red, engulfing the modern-day Bermuda marked in yellow. (Project Clock Codes, Google Earth 2022).

Emblems lead to Revelation 13

 The map above displays a portion of the new discovered Bermuda, where areas of interest are marked in teal. Clock points (CP) displaying emblems are: CP 36 contains a man emblem[i], CP 35 a bird-runner[ii], CP 34 a man[iii], CP 33 a roaring feline[iv], CP 32 a bull[v], CP 31 a roaring feline/dragon[vi], CP 30 a  bull[vii], CP 29 to 27 an eagle clawing a snake[viii]; CP 26 a gryphon and a heron[ix], CP 25 to 23 a flamingo and fish[x], CP 22 flamingos and a pelican[xi], CP 21 a lamb[xii] emblem and CP 20 to 19 three dolphins[xiii]. The pattern of the land emblems appears to have creatures of the elements of the air, land, fire and water.

Eight Patterns Uncovered

The uncovered patterns are as follows:

1.     man, bird, man;

2.     feline, bull, feline/dragon [hidden], bull;

3.     eagle and snake, eagle and snake, eagle and snake;

4.     griffin and heron;

5.     flamingo and fish;

6.     two flamingos and a pelican;

7.     lamb (at the 'X' intersection);

8.     three dolphins, three dolphins . . .

Figure 1-The image above displays the lamb emblem. More information about the emblem can be found here

The Seventh Pattern

The lamb emblem ‘exemplifies first Jesus Christ, and in second place is St. John the Baptist, Puerto Rico' original name sake, and the rock represents Mount Zion, symbol of Jerusalem. The river from the rock meant Jordan river. The rock also represents the islet of San Juan. The five tower castle crown decorates the emblem of towns fortified with walls, such as the old district of the City’ (Hearaldry of the World, 2022).


Ironically, the lamb emblem is seated on the ‘seventh’ pattern and leads directly to the location of Roswell. Strangely enough, the undertones of the lamb on the map's cross-section infer that Jesus Christ so happens to be at ‘the door’.

Jesus Keeper of the Keys

After comparing the ‘X’ CP 21 on the literal clock, I realised that CP 21 rests on CP nine, thus, forming a straight line from CP nine to CP three, leading me to believe the allusion to Jesus as the key keeper of the doors of the unseen realm. An astounding verse from Nelson's (NKJV) New King James Version (2007 p.1679) that aligns with CP nine is found in the Book of John 10:9 which reads: ‘I am the door.’ The ‘X’ of the two Bermuda swaths intersecting so happens to land at CP nine, and Jesus's statement about him being ‘THE DOOR’ so happens to be located at verse nine, as the figure below displays.

Figure 2-The image above displays the lamb emblem sitting on the 'x' zone located on CP 21 which also rests on the red-hued line on the literal clock. The number 21 sits along the dividing line containing CP 9 and 3. The literal clock is divided into two dimensions, the yellow-hued slice represents Hyperspace, heaven or a possible age, the bottom light lime-hue slice represents the realm of man (Project Clock Codes, Google Earth 2022).

Remembering a verse about ‘the restrainer’, I then researched bible verses and found them in 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2:7-8, which mentions how the restrainer restrains evil. Verses seven and eight read: ‘For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only He who now restrains will do so until He is taken out of the way, And then the lawlessone will be revealed’ (Nelson, 2007 p.1906). This verse implies that Jesus is restraining much more evil than we know.


To top it off, the emblems of three dolphins follow after the lamb emblem. I've always seen these creatures as pure, playful, intelligent beings; they are known to the Celtics as protectors of the waters and to Catholics as Jesus (Clifford, 2021).


According to Moses, the LORD informed him which offerings were suitable for his sanctuary. Exodus 25:2 & 5 reads: ‘5Speak unto the children of Israel, that they bring me an offering: of every man that giveth it willingly with his heart ye shall take my offering 2And rams' skins dyed red, and badgers' skins, and shittim wood, . . .’ (Blue Letter Bible, 2022).


According to the Arabic version in Strongs H8476, dolphins skins were also allowed as offerings, additionally the definition for the word תַּחַשׁ tachash - badger which in Hebrew defines as a badger, or dugong, dolphin, or sheep, or an extinct animal [of purity] . . . (Blue Letter Bible, 2022).

'THE DOOR' leads to Roswell

Map 2-The map above displays the lamb emblem (San Juan) that swims within the 'X' zone of the current (yellow line) and discovered (red line) Bermuda swaths. The darker yellow line leads to Roswell (Project Clock Codes, Google Earth 2022).

The point of all this is that the lamb emblem happens to be at the cross sections of both the current known border of the Bermuda and the uncovered Bermuda and the connecting line that leads to Roswell. 

Figure 3-The image above displays the clock's relationship with the higher and lower realms.

Seeing how the clock reveals that CP 9 and CP 3 as the line for both realms including CP 21 as the lamb (aka Christ), it makes sense why Jesus would be keeping guard and restraining more than we know. This led to another discovery of how the hour of Jesus's death aligns with the numbers on the border of the dimensions (Click here to see the uncanny connections for the numbers 3, 9 and his age 33).

Rising of the Beast of the Sea Prophecy

Additionally, the measurement of 2,250 nautical miles from the Bermuda point to CP 35, (CP 35 is 315NM away from Skinwalker range) suggests yet another connection of perhaps a preparation of a ‘day of revealing’, which may be in the year 2250, 225 years after the exchange of the ages in 2025, which is two years away.

2,250 – 2025 = 225. 

If 2025 is seen as the ‘ “marked exchange zone” of ages that seems to be the final jubilee’ of the age of grace/church that’s about to end but brings the new Kingdom age mentioned by Peck (2021 p. 92), then could 2, 250 which is 225 years after the year 2025 be the year where the 'Beast of the Sea' will emerge?

Dr Ken Johnson reached the conclusion through his research from decoding the Dead Sea Scrolls that the year 2025 is the year where the end of the age of grace will end and the Kingdom age will begin. Click here to see more information about the Dead Sea Scrolls.

Map 3-The map above displays the measurement from CP 35 to Bermuda Island.

The pattern of time and prophecy

Distance and time seem to relate to one another. Flynn (2012 p. 54) describes an interesting correlation between time and distance using John the author of Revelation and his exile and the writing on the wall from the book of Daniel as an example. John was imprisoned on the island of Patmos near Greece, which has a measurement of 539.86 nautical miles from Jerusalem reflecting Daniel's writing of the last days. Flynn elaborates that 'the writing on the wall had the value of 2,520 and occurred in 539 BC [fall of Babylon], both numbers should relate in some way with the pattern of time and prophecy' (Flynn, 2012 p. 55). 

Seven as we know is when God ended his work, he also sanctified and blessed the seventh day.  Therefore, by multiplying 7 by 77 we get 539

 (77 x 7 = 539); Interestingly, 'as the solar day is measured by one 360-degree revolution of the Earth, seven days equals 2,520 degrees, thus, reinforcing the supernatural mathematics of the event of the fall of Babylon (Flynn, 2012 p. 55).

The Ten Horns

But the matter doesn't stop here. It continues. At the same time, while investigating via the bible code app (Equidistant Letter Sequence (ELS)[i] to see if Roswell and the Bermuda are hidden led to another astonishing discovery. Roswell is tucked away in Genesis 18:21 to 25-23, while the Bermuda is snugged under Genesis 5:20 to 10:21. These verses start and end with the number 21, which so happens to be the same number as clock point 21. And while we're at it, the discovery unfolded on the second of October Gregorian calendar but on the third (3rd) day of the seventh (7th) month of Tishri, Hebrew calendar; therefore, 3 x 7 = 21.

Condensing the number 21, we get three (3), or if we divide 21 by three, we get seven (7), and as we saw earlier, the lamb emblem is the seventh (7th) pattern along the uncovered Bermuda swath.


The word Bermuda has a skipping of three hundred and ten letters with the approximate odds of one in twenty and has one hundred and seventy-five key codes. Alternate words/codes searched were ‘guard’ (codes appearing 309 times) and ‘doorway’ (codes appearing 404 times), the total codes for the words: Bermuda; guard; and doorway all equal 888 (The Keys to the Bible, 2015); the number eight coincides with the total number of the eight emblem patterns.


The search for Roswell resulted in eight thousand four hundred and fifty-nine codes (8459) with a skipping of three hundred and ten letters. The statistics of the key codes highlight that the word Roswell's chance of being found is one in twenty, identical to the Bermuda discovery. Condensing 8459 equates to twenty-six, which then equates to eight.

8 + 4 + 5 + 9 = 26

2 + 6 = 8


Could this code indicate that the lawless one in whom the restrainer restrains in second Thessalonians will emerge from this door, out of the sea?


While pondering on this question, I felt led to observe the emblem patterns and realised that CP 31 emblem reveals a ‘roaring feline’ and also a ‘dragon’; this led me to search for bible verses about ‘the beast from the sea’ and later the ‘dragon from the shore’. Click here to see the symbolic form in which the dragon hides.


After finding the dragon on the shoreline in Revelation thirteen, I decided to observe the emblems on Google Earth and compared these to Revelation - I was left stunned.


Revelation 13:2 reads:

‘The dragon[a] stood on the shore of the sea. And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. It had ten horns [earth leaders] and seven heads[symbolic for extraterrestrial powers behind/under the horns], with ten crowns on its horns, and on each head a blasphemous name. 2 The beast I saw resembled a leopard, but had feet like those of a bear and a mouth like that of a lion’ (Bible Gateway, 2022). 


A most peculiar detail from observing Revelation thirteen (13) and CP thirty-one (31) is the second emblem pattern of the roaring feline/dragon that appears to be nesting on what looks like a shoreline from a satellite view. Or is this yet another hidden prophecy hinting that in the future, a flood caused by melting ice or natural catastrophy will submerge/flood the landmark with the bull emblem, making room for ‘the dragon on the shoreline’?

Map 4-The map above displays CP 31 with a roaring feline and dragon emblem seems to be on a shoreline from satellite view (Project Clock Codes, Google Earth, 2022).

The numbers 13 and 31 appear to be palindromes (Click here to see how 13 nests at CP 1 and 31 uncovered at CP 7 hinting at the significant feasts on the Hebrew Calendar). Palindromes are words, sentences or even numbers that can ‘run back on itself’ (Dictionary.Com, 2022). And when comparing the verses to the emblem patterns, ten horns seem to be visible only when removing the pattern containing the dragon/feline. The seven heads become visible when pattern two's feline and bull are uncrossed.

Figure 5-The image above displays the 'types' of the unsealing of the ten horns, the dragon on the shore, THE DOOR and the 'new era'.

The ten horns in red, the key keeper and the beginning of a new era in purple seem to be a hidden prophecy within the new Bermuda Swath.


Mark 4: 22 asserts: ‘For there is nothing hidden which will not be revealed, nor has anything been kept secret but that it should come to light. 23 If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear." 24 Then He said to them, "Take heed what you hear. With the same measure you use, it will be measured to you; and to you who hear, more will be given. 25 For whoever has, to him more will be given; but whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him."’ (Nelson 2007, p.1555).


Mark reveals it is Jesus who shows all that is hidden by his Holy Spirit, hosts and angels; the entire project is but the fruit of hearing and thus entails that there are more pieces to the puzzle.


Another piece to the puzzle from analysing the emblems points to America as a prophetic clue. A prophecy points to Revelation’s Beast of the sea as a compelling reminder that God owns all things and recorded what will transpire at the end of days via his servant John. God asserts his ownership of the earth in Exodus 19:5b KJV (King James Version): ‘…  for all the earth is mine:’ (Bible Gateway, 2022).


The quoted verse from Exodus is one of seventy-one (71) verses relating to God owning everything (Smith, 2022). When condensing the number to one decimal, it equals eight: 7 + 1 = 8.


Ethan the Ezrahite contemplates in Psalm 89:11, saying: ‘The heavens are Yours (Yeshua), the earth also is Yours; The world and all it contains, You have founded them’ (Lockman Foundation, 1995).


These verses reinstate that God owns all of the earth, placing his imprints within unlikely places such as the Bermuda and Roswell. A very intriguing piece of evidence that points back to the creator. A creator who created unusual and mindboggling places such as the Bermuda, which appears to be a doorway that’s guarded, a portal to the spirit dimension. The figures after this page show the uncovered Bermuda and Roswell codes and reinstate that there is more to the picture.

Bermuda in the Hebrew Bible Codes

Matrix 1-The matrix above displays the decoded Bermuda as a guarded doorway/gate found in the Hebrew bible codes (The Keys to the Bible, 1998). 

The figure above clearly distinguishes codes hidden in ‘the keys to the Bible's matrix. The codes: Bermuda and guard, sentry, escort, watch, and preservative are coded together, while the word code for doorway in magenta/pink appears to have three clear codes while the other two codes are scattered along the matrix. The code guard also is scattered along the matrix. Could this mean that the Bermuda has four or more doors?


Roswell’s matrix also gives the possible interpretation that a UFO was possibly piloted by an angel who accidentally crashed into Roswell.

Roswell in the Hebrew Bible Codes

Matrix 2-The matrix above displays the decoded UFO incident that transpired in Roswell found in the Hebrew bible codes (The Keys to the Bible, 1998).


Dr Michael S. Heiser brings an interesting concept to light in his book titled 'The unseen realm'. Chapter 10: Trouble in Paradise sheds insights into a place where Yahweh held council meetings. One of the listings which Heiser tabulates is a Hebrew Term associated with the garden of Eden is 'ed, nahar, yamim' in English, the term means '"(watery) mist', 'river', 'seas, waters"' (Heiser, 2015 p.75). 

Satan is known as the fallen Cherub, all that he knows is familiar information he attained from the time he and his troops were created; therefore, knowing his covetous nature, he will dwell in familiar places that will boost his self-esteem. The broader Bermuda (most of the boundary is within the sea of the North Atlantic Ocean) may very well be his place of the home base? The place where 'they' meet to discuss the affairs of humans.  A place where they are given a longer leash to operate? Considering how he was given permission to test Job. These extraterrestrials are given a number measurement on their leash to execute their operations by the look of things.  Otherwise, they won't be able to be successful with 'the' lie. The lie about Aliens from other planets they are currently dangling in the eyes of many via the realm that they rule. 

In hindsight, the tip of the discovered broader Bermuda isn't far from the Satellite view from the ancient Avebury site (apart from two others). Coincidence? I think not. 

I often ponder what type of technology he has that can cause 'whirlwinds', and 'fire' and what is needed to open such portals to execute his permitted tests upon earth dwellers. 

Map 5-The map above displays the interesting proximity of the famous ancient sites with the tip of the discovered broader Bermuda swath (Google Earth, 2022)

Hyperdimension Counter-Attack Strategy

After all, the fallen cherub is seen as ‘wise’ in God’s eyes but his wisdom is corrupt. This indicates that being a being of wisdom, he can pinpoint and manipulate personality attributes, characteristics and behaviours of people who have specific anointings of all sorts. 

Why? Because he is a four-faced Cherub, a shape-shifter, a super angel who was in charge of music or sound and if the super angels had council with God with the earth's creation (we see their emblems everywhere from, circles to stars to geometric shapes), then they may have contributed to certain shapes of how things look (personal speculation). 

 A strategy that can be used in our prayer life is knowing who and how the Cherub operates. Knowing his spiritual tactics will enable us to strategise effectively and war appropriately, as pertaining to Ephesians 6 (using our Spiritual Armour).


If we know our callings whether it is the calling of a leader (lion), the calling of detail-oriented or administrator (bull), the calling of prophecy (eagle) or the calling of an inventor - everyone can create but there are those who are specifically called for example Nikola Tesla, or Issac Newton, Tomas Edison, or Matthew Maury who are 'the inventors' (man).  There are primary callings and there are secondary callings that have similar traits/personalities to the primary. For example, the Lion is primary. Then there's the tiger, the puma, the leopard, the Lynx, the Cheetah, all the way to the house cat. But they are all part of the feline group. Important in their own way.  

We will know what our strengths are and what are weaknesses are and can come together with the unity of Christ and knowing Christ has our backs we can fight head-on without looking to the left or to the right or behind us - because we know Jesus has our back. Just as the Cheribum in heaven is so will we become who are in Christ. 

Makes sense why the Levi's were in the middle of the camp in the valley during the Exodus period; their name 'LEVI' is a pun code for us to 'leave (the) i' out when we're in the Holy of Holies. Making room for Jesus. 

Accompanying bible verses:

Some bible references about the fallen Cherub reads:

‘Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius, topaz, and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and gold: the workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created.

- Ezekiel 28:13’


‘Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth; and I have set thee so: thou wast upon the holy mountain of God; thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire.

- Ezekiel 28:14’


‘Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee.

- Ezekiel 28:15’

By the multitude of thy merchandise they have filled the midst of thee with violence, and thou hast sinned: therefore I will cast thee as profane out of the mountain of God: and I will destroy thee, O covering cherub, from the midst of the stones of fire.

Thine heart was lifted up because of thy beauty, thou hast corrupted thy wisdom by reason of thy brightness: I will cast thee to the ground, I will lay thee before kings, that they may behold thee. Thou hast defiled thy sanctuaries by the multitude of thine iniquities, by the iniquity of thy traffick; therefore will I bring forth a fire from the midst of thee, it shall devour thee, and I will bring thee to ashes upon the earth in the sight of all them that behold thee. All they that know thee among the people shall be astonished at thee: thou shalt be a terror, and never shalt thou be any more.

- Ezekiel 28:16-19

Overall, it appears that Jesus is informing us in the most bizarre way that he is restraining the full brunt of evil and the spirits and forces of evil all need his permission to tempt mankind. The order and hierarchy of the spiritual world hasn't changed. Just as Satan needed permission to sieve Job like wheat (who lost his children and riches, but God restored double fold and blessed him with three daughters who were "fairest" in the land) back then, so he needs permission today. 


Bible Gateway 2022, Exodus 19:5

Bible Gateway 2022, The beast out of the sea – Revelation 13:1-2

Blue Letter Bible 2022, H8476 – Strong’s Arabic version for dolphin (kjv)

Blue Letter Bible 2022, Offerings for the sanctuary (kjv)

Clifford, G 2021, Dolphin Symbolism & meaning (+ totem, spirit and omens)

Dictionary.Com, 2022, What is a palindrome, and what does it mean?

Flynn, D 2012, Temple at the centre of time 

Heiser, M S 2015, The Unseen Realm, Recovering the Supernatural Worldview of the Bible

Heraldry of the World 2022, San Juan (Puerto Rico)

Johnson, K 2021, Dead Sea Scrolls Calendar

Lockman Foundation 1995, 10 bible verses about earth belonging to God

Nelson, T 2007, New King James study bible

Peck, J 2020, The lost prophecies of Qumran, Defender Publishing, Defender, Crane, MO.

The Keys to the Bible, 2015, Bermuda, guard, door

The Keys to the Bible, 2015, Rosewell UFO accident

 Towan, A 2022, ‘Broader Bermuda 2022’, Project Clock Codes. Google Earth


[i] Two human heads emblem Hualapai Tribe, governed by a nine-member tribe council,

[ii] Birdrunner emblem, Holbrook Unified School District,,45.htm

[iii] Man with feather crown emblem, Socorro Consolidated Schools, NM, USA,

[iv]Roaring feline emblem, Lovington Public School, NM, USA

[v] Bull emblem, Robert Lee Independent School District, TX, USA

[vi] Roaring Feline and dragon emblem, Belton Independent School District, TX, USA,

[vii] Bull emblem, Hamshire-Fannett Independent School District, TX, USA,

[viii] Eagle clawing a snake emblem, Gulf of Mexico,

[ix] Heron/seabird emblem, Hammock Bay, 1370 Borghese Ln, Naples, FL 34114, USA 

Griffin emblem,

[x] Flamingo and Fish emblem, Bahamas Island,

[xi] Flamingos and pelican emblem, Turks and Caicos Islands,

[xii] Lamb emblem, San Juan,

[xiii] Three dolphins emblem, Anguilla Island,


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[i] ELS bible codes explanation can be found via