9 10 October 2022

Folding Codes

Figure 1-The clock codes image displays discovered codes within numbers upon numbers

Folding numbers

While staring at the clock codes image above, an idea to see what would happen once I folded the image in half and observed which numbers would kiss the other during the meeting stage emerged. Starting from the South of the Clock with the minutes hued in teal when joining the numbers from right to left reveal the following:

Now focusing on the white-hued numbers:

Another pattern found is the numbers that seem to match up with Marko Rodin's enneagram, only discoverable after applying Nikola Tesla's Vortex Based Maths (VBM).

 These also reveal the Hebrew Calendar number pattern of 1 and 7, 2 and 8, 3 and 9, 4 and 10 (1), 5 and 11 (2), and 6 and 12 (3) and vice versa, including three number patterns of 1, 7 and 4, 2, 8 and 5, 3, 9 and 6 are evident.

VBM Application to CPs 1 to 36

Figure 2a-The image displaying clock numbers CP 1 to CP 12 in their respective three forms with VBM applied.
Source-Virtue Science (VS 2022, Rodin's Enneagram). 

From the images displaying the condensed numbers to one digit, it is ironic how these numbers line up with Rodin's enneagram paths, specifically the '3, 6, and 9's'. Further examination reveals a pushing of numbers where the first is pushed one down, the middle number gets pushed to the last, and the last becomes first. 

Figure 2b-Shows the shuffling of numbers for the clock hours and the interval of nine for the minutes. 

We also have an interesting correlation with 3, 6, and 9s that forms bizarre 'W' or 'V' type waveforms throughout all numbers, as seen in figure 2c below, for example, 1 + 4 + 7 = 3; 2 + 5 + 8 = 6; 3 + 6 + 9 = 9. 

Figure 2c-reveals an interesting 'V' and 'W' waveform throughout all numbers on all clock points. 
Figure 4a-The two enneagrams are flipped with borders joined as seen in pink hue. 
Figure 4b-The vertical and horizontal images are a replica of Rodin's Enneagrams that have been merged and lines hued to see if the lines and shapes would form a whole image.These enneagrams are able to fold onto each other. Once again I'm left with the idea that perhaps hypothetically, these could be a folding of two dimensions. 
Map 1-The map displays four clock numbers multiplied by Mπ 3.1416 for NE, NW, SE, and SW directions. Click here to view in full scale these peculiar shapes that look almost identical to the Enneagram.  
Figure 5a-Displays Rodin's redrawn enneagram that's folded onto each other.
Figure 5b-Displays Rodin's redrawn enneagram with blue fill. 

A 2D Version of Earth's Symbols 

Figure 6-The image above displays a 2D version of the shapes from the 3D Google Earth image displaying the four clock numbers multiplied by Mπ 3.1416 for NE, NW, SE, and SW directions.

According to Einstein's theory of general relativity, bending or, in this case, 'folding' is called 'wormholes', a theory based on a way of travelling faster without acknowledging gravity. Whereas Issac Newton, 'quantified gravity in the same text in which he formulated his three laws of motion, the "Principia" . . . Newton's laws assume that gravity is an innate force of an object that can act over a distance'(Space.Com, 2022). 

Now here's a thought. 

Could these earth landmarks reveal a specific location that may be hidden in the earth's own 'wormholes'? Why else would the clock codes pinpoint almost all discoveries to the location of the intersections of the Prime Meridian and Equator? Could these points be a body of its own gravity and the sun another and when the sun is at a certain height may possibly form a type of current that causes hyperspace travel?

NASA does state that the gravitational force tugging between two bodies depends on how massive each one is and how far apart the two lie. However, there's always one force which has a stronger force because of its mass and size. Although perhaps Hyperspace doesn't need the law of gravity, what if it relies on a force unseen, like a waveform that is heard?  Such as sound waves. 

Map 2-The map above displays a six-sided star/ star of David. The discovered star matches the lion's interpretation of the menorah and aligns with the Star in the Clock Code image. To view the image in full scale, click here (Pi-o Star 4th Door, Google Earth, 2022). 

Unfolding the Star

Focusing on the purple landmarks with the 'i' (information), the numbers 3,3, 9 Star S were derived from the clock code image on the top of this page. The first 3 is from the eye/middle of the three circles, the next number is 3 and then 9. This step was repeated three extra times, which is why there are four purple landmarks.

The pink landmarks with labels CP 3 x Mπ 3.1416 SW or SE or NW or NE are the results of multiplying CP 3's with , for example,

 CP 3 x Mπ = 9.4248; therefore, the CP 3 is then paired with the result/answer 9.4248 and plotted onto Google Earth as 3.00N 9.4248E (the longitude which is 9.4248 is rounded up by Google Earth automatically).

Folding Bible Verses

22 He revealeth the deep and secret things: he knoweth what is in the darkness, and the light dwelleth with him." 

The word Daniel has 6 letters, then there's chapter 2, verse 22. Therefore, 2 + 2 + 2 = 6

29 The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things that are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law." 

The word Deuteronomy has 11 letters, then there's chapter 29, verse 29. Therefore, 2 + 9 = 11

17 For nothing is hidden that will not be made manifest, nor is anything secret that will not be known and come to light.

The word Luke has 4 letters, then there's chapter 8 and verse 17. Therefore, 1 + 7 = 8. The number eight divided by two equals four:  8/2 = 4

I find it remarkable that these bible verses also fold onto themselves. I also find it fascinating how Daniel and Deuteronomy talk about things already revealed, so their numbers are easy to see whereas, for Luke, the theme is about 'hidden' things made manifest, so there's a tiny bit of digging to tease out the number 4. 

Figure 1-The Camp of Israel with their numbers which are rounded in brackets. We see the prominence of 1, 4 [16 falls on CP 4] and 7. The Levites were 22,300 in total, which equals seven when rounded to one digit. Here we see the echo of not just Jesus on the cross, but the world in a literal sense, indicating that there's more to the picture. Ironically, Israel's coordinates are located at CP 1 and CP 7.

In hindsight, the folding of numbers and bible verses are not accidental. The "folding" is found in one of the three encryptions found in the Bible known as atbash where the first, last, and next to last letters of the Hebrew alphabet fold back over itself[1]. This points to Jesus's informative words that those who are first will be last and vice versa. 

"But many who are first will be last, and the last first.

 Matthew 19:30.

Conclusively, there appear to be many views and ways of how to see and understand the works of God. His four-faced Cherubs or super angels seem to be the macro of views for they have eyes all around their body and wings which means they see from all angles and views. This is probably why their faces are emblemed on the four primary points of the clock, the camp of Israel and they were echoed when Jesus died on the cross. 

Apparently, combining these views will give us followers of Jesus the whole picture. This can only be done when we leave the "i" out (Levi = Leave-i), make it zero degrees (making Jesus number 1), and nullify the I to zero to give room for the Holy Fire (7) to shine through.


Bible Gateway, 2022 Daniel 2:22, Deuteronomy 29:29 and Luke 8: 17

Google Earth, 2022 Pi-o Star 4th Door

NASA, 2022 Weight Equation - Glenn Research

Rodin, M  n.d, The Enneagram 

Space.Com, 2022, Einstein's theory of general relativity


[1] Chuck Missler, 1999 p. 48 - Cosmic Codes.