13 June 2022

Chemistry in the Clock Codes


This section is focused on merging three types of clock hours, which are 12, 24 and 36, and the periodic elements. The merging of the clock hours and periodic elements was conducted to see if God hid any secret of his 'creative works' (or laws) for us to solve. 

I began the theoretic experiments out of sheer curiosity to see if the clock had any hidden map of some kind, specifically merging Vortex Based Math formulas to the numbers and see if the solutions were in use and recognised by past and present scientists majoring in the chemical field. 

Eventually, I found two letters belonging to God's unpronounceable name; the discovery is explained in the following text.  

Figure 1a-The above figure displays a clock with 12-hour to 36-hour numbers. The pink numbers exemplify how periodic elements were birthed from calculating the three numbers for each clock hour. Hour 12 is one, hour 24 is thirteen and hour 36 is twenty-five. Clock numbers are referred to as clock points (CPs). 

Merging the Clock with Chemistry

Below are the end results for experimenting with numbers (1 to 36) on the clock together with periodic table chemical numbers in their respective sequences. For example, adding clock points (CP) 1, 13 and 25 equals  39. The result '39' is then paired with element 39, Yttrium (Y). Numbers are derived from the partial black-and-white image below, most specifically the black and pink coloured numbers (numbers in blue, green and white need to be ignored for the time being). 

The vortex-based math (Hambleton, 2019) was then applied to all totals. For example, 39 (Y) equal 3 (3 + 9 = 12, 1 + 2 = 3).  Result 3 is then paired with element 3 on the periodic table.

Discovering God's Initials

Interestingly, 'Y' seems to be hidden in all code forms, from the Hebrew Calendar to the periodic table element 39. The significance of 'Y' is that it is the first initial of God's unpronounceable name 'YHWH', while 'H' is the last letter; ironically, elements that are parallel to CP 12, 24 and 36 have the letter 'H' ( 12 + 24 + 36 = 72). The 72nd element Hafnium symbol is Hf

I find it intriguing that the first number for clock hours 12, 24 and 36 results in 'Y' while the last number for all clock hours 12, 24 and 36 results in 'Hf'. 

It seems God is indirectly implying that 'HF' is the 'Holy Father'.

The 3-6-9 within the Periodic Table

Figure 1b-The image above displays clock numbers/points which have been added and then combined with chemistry elements as noted in the introduction above.

Videos that explain Transition Metals (TM), Lanthanoids (LTD), Noble Gas (Xe) and Metalloids (sb)

Video about Chemistry, Transition metals.Source: Fuse School - Global Education (2011).
Video about Chemistry, Noble gases.Source: Fuse School - Global Education (2011).
Video about Chemistry, Allotropes of metalloids.Source: Fuse School - Global Education (2011).
Video: A brief intro to the lanthanides - Chemistry.Source: Open Learn  - The Open University (2008).

The combination of periodic elements with paramagnetic, diamagnetic and ferromagnetic classifications.

All substances/elements after pairing were then classified. The soft pink shaded box containing the key shows which elements are positive (paramagnetic), which are negative (diamagnetic) and which elements are spontaneous (ferromagnetic) as stated by AAPT, 2005. 

Figure 2-The above figure displays the intriguing primary points in pink (East, South, West and North) all equating to nine.

Paired elements with exact numbers (no VBM and no additions)

Clock points were then paired with chemical elements. Such as clock point 1 is paired with Hydrogen (H), CP 13 is paired with aluminium (Al), and CP 25 is paired with manganese (Mn). 

The bolded fonts indicate the primary clock points 3-6-9-12. 

These were then categorised into patterns. Clock points from 1 to 6 and 7 to 12 were separated into two columns containing the two patterns. The patterns with an intersection are underlined according to their magnetic fields. Patterns 1 to 6 'ALL' end with positive (P) substances, while patterns 7 to 12 end with all negative (D) substances.

Figure 3-The above figure displays discovered patterns together with the 12-hour, 24-hour and 36-hour of the clock combined with the chemistry elements.

Symbolic table with Chemistry elements combined with clock points and other symbols of interest

The graphic image below displays an interesting pattern where all positive elements nest on the right (1 to 6) and all negative elements nest on the left (1 to 7). 

Reynold's Curve of the elements according to the Newlands-Mendelejeff periodic law highlights the positioning of these elements as 'diamagnetic or negative' elements on the left and 'paramagnetic or positive' elements on the right. Click here to view Reynold's curve.

The end of this page also has a miniature view of Mendelejeff's periodic law.

Figure 4-The image above displays the final product of the combination of clock numbers merged with chemistry elements and their respective formulas, together with other known symbols. The cubed chemistry information beneath the clock with its symbols start from CP 12 and end with CP 11 which follows the clockwise motion.

Vortex-based math (VBM) was applied to numbers that total nine. However, only six numbers were chosen from the clock and the VBM was applied as an experiment to see if these were already in existence.  Satisfyingly, all elements were found and QR codes were created to easily excess sources. An investigation was conducted after hypothesising that adding vortex math to double-digit elements may lead to pairing other elements.  The investigation turned successful with the first element which pointed to twelve (Mg) Magnesium. 

The VBM investigation with results is displayed in the tables below.

Investigation with results 

Table 1-The table above displays the results of my personal investigation and is self-explanatory. The number 12, 11 and 10 are paired with identical numbers for chemical elements. CP 12 is combined with Mg, CP 11 is combined with Na, and CP 10 is merged with Ne. 

Element 10 as seen in the table above was unsuccessful; however, using subtraction led to an interesting find. Element 9 (Fluoride) seemed to bond both element 10 (Neon) and 1 (Hydrogen) as seen in the table below. It can be highly probable that numbers from the clock codes may result in other chemical combinations. Thus, hinting that these elements appear to be connected to time, hidden in plain sight. 

Table 2-The table above displays the continuation of results of my personal investigation and is self-explanatory.
Figure 5-The image above displays an interesting pattern for element nine, Floride. The first video gives a brief affirmation of how noble gases can embrace the element F which scientists thought was impossible. 


Seeing how element nine is along one of the primary points on the clock and is in line with a portal of the wind of life may lead us to further discoveries of why such patterns exist. Element nine, in a way, gives life or opens paths for elements to merge with each other. Element nine falls along CP 9, and all other 'winds of life' so happen to be in the middle of two other portals. 

These structures are a microcosm (chemistry) of a macrocosm (Jesus). 

Specifically how Jesus laid on the cross, where he lay brings life.

Figure 6-The sphere with Jesus[1] on the cross and the two sinner's on his left and right, appear exactly like the wind portals. 

The Triangle Waveform

The figures below display Reynold's curve of the elements which happens to be in a triangle waveform. The 13th letter of the Hebrew Alphabet is Mem and appears in a 'w' shape. 

'Mem/Meh means Sea -- a large body of water; Chaos -- from the storms of the sea; Mighty, Massive -- from the size of the sea; Who, What, When, Where, Why, How -- the sea is the place of the unknown' (Benner, 2002 p. 60).

Miniature view of Reynold's Curve of the Elements

Figure 7-Reynold's curve of the elements.

The Table resembles the 'W' wavelength of the coordinates plotted on google earth earlier. 

Click here to view the coordinates 'W' pattern.

Figure 8-Reynold's curve of the elements flipped horizontally.


The structure of the numbers on any given clock appears to be a map to many things, chemistry being one of them.  Wave patterns seem to be prominent and if my suspicions are correct, there are things that lay dormant which may be accessible and activated only by using the right key. Once the right key (sound, low tone type) is discovered, elements will be able to fold onto themselves without issue. However, further research needs to be conducted to prove such a conjecture.


American Journal of Physics (AAPT). 2022.

Benner, J 2022, 'The Ancient Hebrew Language and Alphabet: Understanding the Ancient Hebrew language of the Bible based on Ancient Hebrew Culture and Thought', Ancient Hebrew Research Center. Kindle Edn. 

Bullinger, E.W, 2011. Number in scripture.

Dong, X. et al., 2017.

Fuse School 2011, 'Noble gases', YouTube video, viewed 10 November 2022.

Fuse School 2011, 'What Are Allotropes of Metalloids and Metals', viewed 10 November 2022. 

Fuse School 2011, 'Transition metals and their properties', YouTube video, viewed 10 November 2022.

Hambleton,  S.A., 2019. Vortex-Based Mathematics is Modular Arithmetic.

Harvard, 2022.

Hashiguchi, D, Ashurst, A.N, Grensing, F. C. , Marder, J.M, 2010. Aluminum-Beryllium alloys for aerospace applications.

Helmenstine, 2019.

Losonczy, M. and Moskowitz, J.W, 1974.

Nyland, A, 2010 Complete books of Enoch (1, 2 and 3)

Open University, 2008, 'A brief intro to the lanthanides - chemistry', YouTube Video, viewed 10 November 2022. 

Science Direct, 2022.

Shapely, P, 2011.

University of Cambridge, 2022.

Zhang et al., 2016 U.S. Department of Energy.

Zhang, S et al., 2020 Taylor and Francis Online.


[1] Click here to see how the numbers on the red cross signify a bit more.