26 June 2022

Hidden Maths & Twin Stars

"Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old [ancient] paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. . ."

 Jeremiah 6:16

I would like to do something 'spontaneous'. I would like to thank God in high heaven for displaying his wonders in the simplest ways that are easy to understand on my part. 

When I looked at the Hebrew calendar, I asked myself what is lurking or hidden within these numbers. I pondered in my heart and believed that in God's timing (when he sees fit) he would open up my eyes to see.

Third August 2022 mid-afternoon, I heard the gentle voice say, 'begin by subtraction'. My findings after heeding 'the voice' are these:

Finding the hidden six '6':

Read from left to right.

7 – 1 = 6  1 – 7 = -6

8 – 2 = 6  2 – 8 = -6

9 – 3 = 6 3 – 9 = -6

10 – 4 = 6 4 – 10 = -6

11 – 5 = 6  5 – 11 = -6

12 – 6 = 6  6 – 12 = -6

Finding the hidden angles of 30, 60, 63, 90 and 180 degrees

After realising that there are 12 months in the Hebrew Calendar and the odd 7th month God changed to the 1st month for all 12 months. The usual 'voice' suggested seeing how these compare to the clock. Once the numbers were compared, an 'angle' pattern formed. 

Adding a pink line to connect the relationship between the Hebrew calendar numbers then revealed 6 angle patterns for all 12 months. 

Table 1-Redrawn Hebrew calendar, old and new (given to Moses by God on Mt Sinai). Cosmic Codes, Missler, p.252.

Finding the hidden two '2':

Therefore, 8 + 2 = 10 + 2 = 12 + 2 = 14 + 2 = 16 . . .

Hebrew months 1 & 7

Figure 1-When the numbers 1 and 7 are added, these equal 8, thus forming a 30 degrees angle, revealing a type of lowercase 'y'. 

Hebrew months 2 & 8 

Figure 3-When 2 & 8 are added, these equal 10, thus forming a 60 degrees angle, revealing a type of uppercase 'Y'.

Hebrew months 3 & 9

Figure 5-When 3 & 9 are added, these equal 12, thus forming a 90 degrees angle x 2 equaling 180 degrees.

Hebrew months 4 & 10

Figure 2-When 4 and 10 are added, these equal 14, thus forming a 60 degrees angle, revealing a type of uppercase 'Y'.

Hebrew months 5 & 11

Figure 4-When 5 & 11 are added, these equal 16, thus forming a 30 degrees angle, revealing a type of lowercase 'y'. 

Hebrew months 6 & 12

Figure 6-When 12 & 6 are added, these equal 18, thus forming a 180 degrees angle.

Discovery of 63 Degrees 

Figure 7-The above image displays the four 63 degrees highlighted in purple hue along the outskirts of the Star-of-David. 
Figure 8-The above image displays a zoomed-in view for 63 degrees angle and accompanying angles. Click here to see how the number 63 is a measurement along CP 7.

Twin Stars

The pink lines are the connection points for the Hebrew months before connecting the angles mentioned earlier. The redrawn clock with subtle star marked with light blue and yellow mini circles reveals a 'Star of Bethlehem'. 

Figure 9-The image above displays version 2 Original Clock Codes Map.
Figure 10-The image above displays two types of five-pointed stars, the first star is marked in yellow circles, the other marked in blue circles. 

Overall, we can see that the Hebrew Calendar number pattern are also hidden maths accompanied by two types of five-pointed stars which give a hint of a pair of twins (Jacob and Esau) who eventually branch out to two nations that eventually influence our world. These stars also give a hint of two feasts that appear to be "twin feasts" these will be discussed later. 


Bible Gateway 2022, Jeremiah 6:16

Missler, C 2017, Cosmic Codes