16 November 2022
Israel at CP 7 & 1
Israel's Precise Coordinates
This section relays information based on findings leading to precise coordinates worldwide. Coordinates for places like Israel were unwrapped after discovering that the Hebrew Calendar Number pattern had hidden messages.
The unwrapping of coordinates is another form of hidden things derived from combining the literal number structure of the clock, the Hebrew Calendar number pattern and the Hebrew lampstands. Some discovered hidden messages from combining the three objects are:
the four interpretations and secrets of the Menorah (Hebrew lamptstand).
the active macro-megalithic heaven staircase (aka Jacob's ladder).
God's secret message about the past, present and future.
This section focuses on the discovery of Israel's coordinates and the process involved with finding Israel's coordinates.
Coordinates found in Minutes
Israel's coordinates were discovered after adding an extra 36-hour onto the clock (click here to see how the number 36 belongs to the Holy Spirit), as seen in the sphere below. The precise coordinates derive from the clock hour 31 and the minute number 35. Both numbers so happen to fall on clock point (CP) 7.
Two Locations
When these numbers are plotted together on Google Maps, they reveal particular areas in Israel.
First Location
Ramat Negev Regional Council
The first coordinate below is located in the South of Israel with precise locations:
31.00N 35.00E (Ramat Negev Regional Council)
The word Ramat (means 'heights') Negev is mentioned in Joshua 19: 8 (1 + 9 + 8 = 18 | 1 + 8 = 9. Interesting!); this area is part of Simeon's inheritance. The book of Joshua reveals Simeon's inheritance is later shared with Judah because Judah's tribe was larger.
Second Location
Dimona's coordinates had to be dug out a bit more using another clock drawing. Sphere 2 shows how Dimona's location came to light. The coordinate for Dimona is:
31. 00N 35 07 19.9E (Dimona)
The word Dimona (which means 'south') is mentioned in Joshua 15: 21 - 22 (1 + 5 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 2 = 13 | 1 + 3 = 4), belonging to the Tribe of Judah. Judah is fourth born. I also realised after zooming into Dimona there is a nuclear plant stationed there [just an observation statement].
Ramat and Dimona Connections
Once the two locations were plotted onto Google Earth, a measurement line was drawn to see any correlations, the CPs distance is 6.3 NM (nautical miles). The number 6.3NM so happens to be the same number (63°) for one of the outer angels for the star of David that's placed within the accompanying clock seen earlier in Sphere 2.
Other Coordinates
Some coordinates along coordinates 31 and 35 are:
Coordinates for Bethlehem: 31.7054 N, 35.2024 E
Elevation for Bethlehem: 777 m
Coordinates for Mt Nebo: 31 46.0N 3543.5E
Elevation for Mt Nebo: 808 m
Coordinates for the City of David: 31.7734 N, 35.2350 E
Elevation: 700 m
It's astounding how these two locations belong to two tribes of Israel specifically Simeon (Ramat) and Judah (Dimona).
Holy Spirit Whisper
Also, 21/3 = 7; 21 + 21 + 21 = 63 or 21 x 3 = 63 [an insight unveiled on the 9th March 23, 11:15 PM while trying to sleep].
Simeon and Judah
Emblems for Simeon and Judah were drawn and placed accordingly to each specific point. Upon research, Simeon's emblem consists of a castle, whereas Judah's emblem is of a lion.
Emblems:Castle: ATowanLion: Decky Draws
The map with the emblems of Simeon (the castle) and Judah (the lion), appear to have an undertone of a type of authority figure along the line area. Specifically, the initials of S and J appear to be a hidden message alluding to the Saviour Jesus[1].
The names 'South' and 'Heights' lean back to the enneagrams briefly discussed on the page relating to God's Number Pattern. These seem to have a prophetic concealment that can be matched up with the ancient text of Enoch and the book of Zechariah. Starting with the ancient text of Enoch, Enoch makes a strange comment about our Lord descending on the South in his first book, chapter seventy-seven (77), verses one to eight (1 – 8); the passage reads:
‘ . . . The second is called the south, because the Most High descends there, he who is blessed forever and descends there frequently. . .’ (Nyland, 2010 p. 123).
The verse in Enoch happens to be in chapter 77[?], and verses 1 to 8 talk about the world's primary compass points. According to the chapter’s first eight verses, the east was created first, followed by the south, then the west, and then the north, which is the direction of the garden of justice (?).
Enoch casually mentions the Most High descending in the South ‘frequently’, and that’s the sole reason why that point of the earth is named South. Because ‘he’[God] descends there - frequently. The code continues; the south is second and is also in verse two. So, multiply seven and two we get fourteen or seven plus seven equals fourteen (7 x 2 = 14 or 7 + 7 = 14).
Thus, leading to the biblical passage of Zechariah and lo and behold, chapter fourteen focuses on ‘The Day of the LORD’. However, verse three pinpoints to our LORD fighting against those nations who war against his people in his gigantic form where his feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, thus splitting it in two and causing a large valley. One half of the valley will be towards the North and the other towards the South. Let me show you the exact bible passage which reads:
‘3Then the LORD will go forth and fight against those nations, as he fights in the day of battle. 4And In that day His feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, which faces Jerusalem on the east. And the Mount of Olives shall be split in two, from east to west, making a very large valley, half of the mountain shall move toward the north and half of it toward the south’ (Nelson, 2007 p.1468, NKJV).
The above passage has led me to ask some questions:
WHY on earth would Jesus be in his GIGANTIC form?
Will there be giants on earth?
Who are "those nations"?
What era will this be?
Is there a hidden time unknown to the enemy?
Genesis fourteen makes a strange yet casual note about a King of "Nations". The passage reads:
"Tidal king of Nations."
- Genesis 14: 1.
He's the fourth king mentioned that went to war against Sodom and Gomorrah and when they captured these cities, Lot and his household were captured, but Abraham and his personal army (318) saved them.
I am left with more questions:
WHO IS Tidal King of nations?
Is the "United Nations" a branch of the unknown secret country named "Nations"?
Have they (people of nations) been hidding in plain sight all along?
Are they the ones Jesus must appear in his gigantic form because they are the protectors of the giants?
Could these people be the hidden ancients, a people of the fallen angels who hold a vendetta against Abraham because he humbled them and they hate him because a mere man beat them?
Could the passage from Zechariah and Genesis (King of Nations) be a clue that Nations is a separate people, the Miry clay and the Iron from King Nebucannazar's dream at the end of days in which Daniel interpreted unveiled by God?
It makes sense that they may very well be.
2nd Large Line
The second large line is the product of pairing the numbers 31 and 35 with all clock numbers and measures 51.55NM, which differs by 45.25NM from the first line that measures 6.3NM (51.58 - 6.3 = 45.25).
Each clock point that forms the straight line starts with the 31 hours and 35 minutes from the clock face marked in an oval outline, while the remainder of the coordinates is taken from other numbers from the clock marked in various hexagon sizes. For example, 31 hours is transformed into latitude, and 35 minutes as longitude.
Plotting numbers from the clock using the two above numbers unleashes the second straight line.
Enneagram from God's Number Pattern
The enneagram below is a drawing from God's Number pattern (which can be found here). God's number pattern was found tucked away in the Hebrew Calendar number pattern that was combined with many clock hours. In a nutshell, the pink lines derive from all 3s, 6s, and 9s, combined and folded into the below enneagram.
Intriguingly, the enneagram sphere appears to be pointing South and seems to echo the day of the LORD on Mount Olives mentioned in Zechariah 14: 3 & 4.
When looking at the fine print from a microscope view, the verse numbers, the chapter and word numbers all add to seven, eight and nine. The number from verses three and four, when added, equals seven. The number of letters for all four months results in nine.
To simply put things into perspective and convenience, here are the formulas with their answers:
The numbers from Enoch’s passage:
Chapter 77: 7 + 7 = 14, divided by the number from verse 2: 14/2 = 7.
The numbers from Zechariah:
verses 3 and 4 are 3 + 4 = 7.
The number of letters from the word Zechariah equals 9.
The number of letters from the east (4), south (5), west (4) and north (5) are:
4545: 45 + 45 = 90/10 = 9.
9 x 4 (the four directions) = 36, 6 + 3 = 9.
[36° is the longitude in which the blue line ends on map 2 measuring the two clock points]
[The number 36 hides in CP 12, point 3]
[45 x 45 = 2025. The number 45 nests at CP 9— P4 (48hr), number 2025 hides in CP 9— P169 (2028hr)]*
Another measurement with the distance between CPs 7 to 1 is seen as 313,451 feet. Rounding the measurement equals eight, as seen below.
3 + 1 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 1 = 17; 1 + 7 = 8.
And as we learnt from earlier discoveries, from a biblical perspective, 8 means new beginnings. However, the numbers 63 or 36 reflect the parable of the Ten Virgins discovered within the wings of the current and discovered Bermudas[2].
In conclusion, the coordinates can only be deciphered using the 36-hour clock. The structure of the numbers seven and one appear to align with the Hebrew feasts that fall in Tishri (which is the seventh month) and Nisan (which is the first month). The alignment with the feasts on the seventh and first month of the Hebrew calendar will be discussed at a later date.
The unnumbered enneagram 1 also echoes the unknown things of the north, hinting that perhaps the 1/3rd of the fallen angels may be residing (Magog and Gog) there. 1/3rd converted to decimal is 0.2.
100% -0.2% = 99.8%
This gives us a better understanding that the armies in heaven are many, in fact, 99.8% didn't fall. Thank God there's more (host of heaven) with us then he (Satan and his 1/3rd that fell) that's in this world.
Finally, it is not a coincidence that the Hebrew Calendar number patterns led to Israel's coordinates which led to Mt Zion, Mt of Olives and The Garden Tomb of Jerusalem, which so happen to form a triangle. The three areas of interest have coordinates that fall on CP 31 and CP 35 (which fall on CP 7), which led to the Lord's Day, which led to a hidden people called "Nations" and the hindsight of the 0.2% fallen angels.
Conforming to Jesus Ministry 2022, 12 Tribes of Israel Chart
Bible Hub 2022, Joshua 19:8
Bible Gateway 2022, Joshua 15:21-22
Hebrew Nations 2012, Tribal Symbols
Missler, C 2017, Cosmic Codes
Pi-o Star 4th Door, 2022, Google Earth, 2022 - Israel Straight line CP 7 to CP 1
Ramet HaNegav Regional Council, 2022, About Us
The National Security Archive, 2017, Dimona-Israel and the bomb, The George Washington University
Wikipedia 2022, Mount Nebo
World Wide Elevation Map Finder 2022, Elevation of City of David
Nelson, T 2007, ‘New King James study bible’- Zechariah 14: 3 & 4', 2nd edn, Thomas Nelson, viewed 10 October 2022.
Nyland, A, 2010 Complete books of Enoch (1, 2 and 3), viewed 28 September 2022.
[1] Another peculiar verse with the initials S and J which are mirrored is found in Genesis chapter 42:36, which reads: ‘. . . Joseph is no more, Simeon is no more, and you want to take Benjamin . . .’(Nelson, 2010 p.75). These two verses' initials point to the clue of Jesus as the Saviour of the world.
Joseph was positioned in Egypt to save the world from the global famine that lasted 7 years. However, it took 7 earlier years to prepare for the worse. God used a special man to save a special people.
[2] Click here to see the Parable of the Ten Virgins hidden among the famous Bermuda and the hidden Bermuda.
Text with [ ] is a personal observation statement.
*Updated 10/3/23, given by Holy Spirit 9/3/2023, 11:15 PM.