Trumps Return Set in Torah

22 April 2023

Timeline of Second Rule

According to the Torah, also known as the five books of Moses, in Genesis 1:21 through to Genesis 13:7, Trump's second term as: "headman, chieftain, top, leader, pate ["crown"], noodle x 2 [flexible?], head, nob [high place, city of the priests], during Rosh.

Bible Codes 1-matrix revealing Trump's second term. 


The word Rosh is linked to one of the Jewish new years named "Rosh Hashanah", which is on Tishri, the seventh month of the Hebrew calendar but is seen as the Jewish new year, the 1st of Tishri is a time of thanksgiving and celebrating the creation of the world but also a time in which God judges humanity for a period of ten days of preparation for the new year and the following feast - Yom Kippur, which is a time for mourning. 

This is a time that the Jews believe is the time when God decides who lives and who dies on this earth. The ten days is a time to repent for the wicked1.

Yom Kippur is a time for mourning, fasting and praying2.   

Prophecy Patterns Unfolding

When these numbers are analoged into wheel form, these show an interesting pattern. 

Wheel 1-Analoging Genesis 1:21 and Genesis 13:7 containing Trump's election dates and years onto the adjusted and merged calendars and clock. 


Seeing how Trump becomes the 45th president of the United States of America on the 8th November 2016, unveils the number nine; as 45th president, the number 4 + 5 = 9. The year 2016 equals 9 but sits at CP 12. However, we have the number 8 in the date and in the letters of November, knowing the Hebrew number patterns, when there's an eight, there's a two as shown in wheel 2 below. 

Wheel 2-rounded numbers from the clock and used in conjunction with wheel 1. Wheel 2 marks the number patterns significant for prophecy pattern understanding. Patterns derive from Hebrew Calendars and all scripted numbers on the clock up to the 72nd hour.

Observing the placements of the number patterns from Genesis 1:21 and Genesis 13:7 can be interpreted that Trump's as "crowned leader" isn't over yet. The numbers show the Rosh, which is on Tishri. One thing is certain: Trump announcement on the 15th November, 2022 is no coincidence. 

Three Years

Wheel 3-Three years uncovered in the matrix. Yr 2023, 2025 and 2029. 

Concept: It is highly probable that when Trump is reinstated, then highly likely, according to the prophecy pattern, he or his offspring[?] may initiate another era in 2029. 

Looking at the Bible verses that so happen to be on CP 1 and specifically CP 7, plus observing how Trump will turn "77" on 14 June (born 1946), therefore 2023 - 1946 = 77. 

"Ironically", the Messiah 2030 also alludes to wheel 3 above. See the video below, although two hours is worth watching. It appears that Holy Spirit is saying the same message using different facets to reach out to all people of the different facets.

Heaven Signs

2017 - Pink Solar Eclipse

An interesting observation that occurred in the year 2017 is the Pink Solar Eclipse which occurred on the 21st August, three months later, Trump recognised Jerusalem as its true capital. However, 18 months later, Covid-19 struck the world (from an Australian point of view). March was the beginning of isolation which ironically sits with the month of Nisan, the first month on the Jewish calendar. While August (solar event) sits on Elul, 6th Month on the Jewish calendar, during a two-day festival called Rosh Chodesh (21 to 23 Aug 2017), a minor holiday celebrated on the beginning of very month on the Hebrew Calendar3.

Using Missler's formula to calculate Trump's value equal to 10 [can also be seen as 1 and 5], click here to see the calculation. The year 2017 sums up to 10. Intriguingly, the world saw his announcement on the 15th of November 2022 that he'll be running for president for the third time.

2023 - Rare Hybrid Solar Eclipse

On 20th April 2023, A rare hybrid eclipse occurred, 42% could be seen here in Cairns, however, a total coverage occurred in Exmouth, WA.

The eclipse so happened to be on the 14th Day of Omer, 29th of Nisan (the first month of the Jewish cal) Omer is a ritual observed by the Jews and omer refers to the 49-day period between the second night of Passover (Pesach) and the holiday of Shavuot4. Intriguingly, number 49 rests on CP 1 on a clock along the 60th hr, which is the 5th point from the 12th hr. 

The omer, 1/10 of an ephah, = the very quantity of manna that sufficed for each day’s support; The omer, or tenth part of the ephah, would remind them of the omer of manna which they gathered daily, and the omer kept in the golden pot(Ex 16:33)5

What's the Meaning of all this?

I'm not a hundred percent but looking at the matrix and Bible verses above indicates that a chastening judgement of sorts is on it's way. From the patterns seen, the starting point will start in Israel, then shortly after a rare occasion that may relate to Trump may unfold. 

The pink solar eclipse was a "soft" judgement upon the earth. However, the rare solar eclipse may indicate a "hard" harsher judgement.


Prohibition of Solicitation for Religious Conversion – 2023 (aka "banning the sharing of the gospel in Israel either verbally or electronically")

The proposed bill which only targets Christianity by initiators who are members of the Knesset Moshe Gafni and Yaakov Asher (not to be mistaken as all of Israel), first proposed the bill (by Gafni) back in 1999 (All Israel, 2023), the bill was voted against but was also pushed forward in 2013 but was voted against in 2014. Gafni and Moshe then pushed the bill again on Jan 9, and March 22 2023 (Jordon News 2023). However, PM Netanyahu halted (AP News 2023) the bill the day after. 

Number Significance

The year 1999, 2013 [rounding both years together], 2014, and 2023 sum up to seven. The year 1999 sums to ten, which rounds to one, while 2013 round to six [adding one and six equal seven]  2014 and 2023 sum to seven. The difference between the years 1999, 2014 and 2023 is that Covid-19 didn't happen for the two earlier years. From observation, the Bill isn't going away any time soon, which means if the Bill is approved through sheer pressure from the Orthodox Judaism community, then the initiation of the entire world "hating" Jews will catapult and initiate our Saviours' return as prophesied in Zech 12 to fight for his people (Judah, and Jerusalem). 

Christians' Next Step

Don't hate the Jews. Their blindness is only temporary and therefore we must with longsuffering endure what's coming. Turn the other cheek (doesn't mean after we turn the other cheek, we then slap the other person) as the Bible commands. The above scenario may be a type of "Saul who became Paul" unfolding. 



APOD Videos 2017, Pink Solar Eclipse, 21 August,

Bible Study Tools 2023, Nob definition,

Bible Study Tools 2023, Pate definition,

Time Path 2023, Timeline Donald Trump,


All Israel, Who are Knesset Members who first introduced the bill:

AP News, Israel Leader Netanyahu Halts Bill Proselytizing Christianity, 23 March 2023,

Jordon News, Law proposal law banning spread of Christianity in Israel 22 March, 2023:

1. Edarabia 2023, 'When and why Rosh Hashanah is celebrated',

2. Missler, C 2002, 'The Book of Leviticus, session 9 chapter 16, p.122', Koinonia Institue. 

3. Hebrew Calendar 2017, 'Rosh Chodesh Elul 2017',

4. Jacobs, J (Rabbi) 2023, 'How to count the Omer',

5. Missler, C 2022, 'The Book of Leviticus, session 5, chapters 6-7, pp.56 & 65', Koinonia Institute.