Exposing the Cherub 

10 July 2022

Mπ uncovers a 4-faced Cherub


This section is the continuation of Deciphering a Broader Bermuda. 

Four Patterns 

The discovery of what appears to be the markings of the 'fallen Cheub' is within this page. The discovery was exposed when the numbers on the clock were multiplied by resulting in coordinates.  Interestingly, some coordinates rest within educational zones marked as ‘s’ in the tabulated figures following this page. Primary CPs on the North: 12, 24, 36, South: 6, 18, 30, East: 3, 15, 27, West: 9, 21, and 33 were plotted first using the Northwest compass location. All clock numbers are referred to as CPs (clock points).

Next, secondary CPs were plotted using the same technique for N, S, E, and W mentioned earlier. The tabulated data displays the calculated locations of the broader swath of the Bermuda Triangle (click here to see the uncovering of the Broader Bermuda). This section is solely focused on the actual data of the triangle. The data shows three curious patterns. One pattern is contained in the elements of land and water, the other in skipping school points, and the third includes emblems currently in use for all land points which resemble the 4-faced Cherub.

Table 1-The table above displays the calculated Primary Clock Points (CPs).

The above table has the tabulated primary CPs. The grey CP 33 with the asterisk (*) are coordinates of curiosity and are italicised to see if there are any anomalies or hidden connections with the CPs. As we examine the tables, notice that each CP has three types of hours: 12, 24, and 36, which is why there are three numbers for each compass point. To simplify things, using CP 1 as an example has the additional CP 13 and 25; CP 2 has the additional CP 14 and 26 and so forth.

Table 2-The table above displays the calculated Secondary CPs. 

Pattern 1

The unwrapped pattern detected within the ‘earth locations’ is that a land element follows two water elements within the primary CPs. Remember that the grey coordinates below CP 33 are added for another purpose and can be ignored for the time being.  

Unlike the primary points, the secondary points begin with four water elements, followed by two land elements for the North. However, the pattern of water, water, and land repeat on the South points (recall the italicised font in grey is a topic that needs to be ignored for the time being), the same pattern as the primary points.

Pattern 2

The second pattern uncovered is the skipping of points that lands on a school coordinate within the primary clock points. The coordinates show a skipping of five points before landing on a school coordinate. The secondary clock points have no schools located along the North and South. However, a peculiar interval of skipping two points for East and West occurs.

Pattern 3

Pattern three is mindboggling. The primary clock points' third coordinates that settle on a land point reveal an ensign. The north has two human heads, the south a bull, the east has an eagle with a snake within its claws, and the west a feline.

The secondary clock point table starting at the North, point 14, has a [1] to indicate the various emblems. The current ensign is a lion with a tree and star. The outdated ensigns consist of a mermaid, a star, and a tree. At the same time, the armed forces are represented by an eagle emblem (Hurbert Herald 2018), thus making up the earlier coordinates without ensigns.  Point 26 shows the unusual griffin, while the south points 28 and 29 have an eagle on each. CP 21 has a primary cat ensign and a subset of a dragon for one of the sports teams, while point 32 has a bull, whereas point 35 ends with an ensign of a road-runner bird.

Despite some other emblems when comparing the primary clock points with the secondary clock points, the theme for winged creatures, felines, bulls, and humans is evident. 

The Emblems

A strange phenomenon occurs within tables above. Strange connections within the section detailing the multiplication of Missler’s π with CPs 1 to 36, unveiled a broader Bermuda swath. As we recall the unusual skipping of six coordinates before encountering the coordinates of schools, I dug further to investigate the possibility of any other hidden phenomena within all schools listed.   The investigation led to a baffling discovery in the school’s emblems/ensigns. Each school has a symbol that falls under the four primary ensigns of the Super-Angels, the four-headed creatures mentioned in the books of Ezekiel (1 & 10), Isaiah (6) and Revelation (4).

Using Ezekiel chapter one verse ten as a reference for the four-headed super-angels reads:

"As for the likeness of their faces, they four had the face of a man, and the face of a lion, on the right side: and they four had the face of an ox on the left side; they four also had the face of an eagle."

The following section elaborates on the interesting emblems representing the four-headed super-angels within the primary and secondary clock points, which uncovers yet another hidden prophecy relating to America’s destiny with Revelation thirteen.

Emblems for Primary CPs

Hualapai (pronounced Wal-lah-pie, means people of the tall pines) Indian Reservation, Mohave North, AZ, USA [1]

HF (Hamshire-Fannett) I School District, TX, USA[2]

Lovington Public Schools, NM, USA[3]

Figure 1-The emblem above displays the Great Seal of the Hualapai tribe. Clock point (N): 36.00N 113.0976W.(Two human headsSource: Hualapai Tribe (2022).
Figure 3-The emblem above displays the Lovington Municipal School District. CLOCK POINT (W): 33.00N 103.67W. (Roaring feline)Source: Lovington Municipal School District (2022). 
Figure 2-The emblem above displays the Hamshire-Fannet Independent School, Football Team Mascot. CLOCK POINT (S): 30.00N 94.248W, Photo taken on Friday, 09/27/19. (Bull)Source: Beaumont Enterprise (2020).
Figure 4-The emblem above displays the seal of the Government and the Coat of Arms of Mexico. Clock Point (E): 27.00N 84.8232W.(Eagle and Snake)Source: Wikipedia (2022, Coat of Arms of Mexico). 

Although the Gulf of Mexico isn’t a school, it is very remarkable to see the emblem chosen is identical to the tribe of Dan, who is one of the four primary leaders of the twelve tribes of Israel.

According to reputable bible scholars such as Dr Chuck Missler and Dr Merrill F Unger,

‘Dan’s tribal ensign was originally the serpent (Gen 49:16,17) and they camped North of the Camp (Num 2:25); “Sides of north” Cf. Isa 14:12,13. Ahiezer, their chief at the time of the Exodus (Num 1:12 2:25 10:25;1 Chr 12:3), replaced the serpent with the eagle as an ensign, always the ensign of Israel’s enemies… [Eagle replacement: Merrill F. Unger, Unger’s Bible Dictionary, Moody Press, Chicago, 1966, pp.235-236.]’

Emblems for Secondary CPs

Belton Independent School District, TX, USA[5]

Robert Lee Independent School District, TX, USA[6]

Socorro Consolidated Schools, NM, USA[7]

Holbrook Unified School District, AZ, USA[8]

Figure 5a-The emblem above displays one of the Belton Independent School District Seals. CLOCK POINT (E) 31.00N 97.3896W.(Roaring Feline)Source: Belton Middle School - Wood Ward Creative Group (2022).  
Figure 5b-The emblem above displays the dragon seal, one of the Belton Independent School District Seals. CLOCK POINT (E) 31.00N 97.3896W.(Dragon)Source: YouTube Belton New Tech Channel (2011). 
Figure 6-The emblem above displays the raging bull seal for Robert Lee Independent School District. Clock Point (E): 32.00N 100.5312W.(Bull)Source: Robert Lee Independent School district (2022). 
Figure 7-The emblem above displays the seal of a Native Indian with a feather headdress/crown. Clock Point (w): 34.00N 106.8144W. (Man)Source:  Socorro Consolidated Schools (2022).
Figure 8-The above  emblem displays the seal of a Bird Runner. Clock point (W): 35.00N 109.956W.(Bird)Source:  Glass Door (2022).

My intuition is that perhaps the schools are guarded by the primary principal leaders or forces: the man and woman emblem in the North and the Bull in the South. Or are these schools influenced by the hidden powers and principalities the fallen Cherub rules?

The emblems were then tabulated and compared to the clock, the bible/Israel camp in the desert and the Christian structure containing the four patriarchs: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John derived from Missler's Matthew teaching handbook.

Table 3-The Design of the Gospels, the Camp's ensigns for Matthew, Mark, Luke and John hued in the red curved rectangle.Source: Koinonia House Inc (2020, Matthew Commentary Handbook, the design of the gospels, p. 78).
Table 4a-The table above displays the clock structure emblems on land for primary and secondary clock points. 
Table 4b-The table above displays Bible structure emblems on land for Bible passages found in Ezekiel 1:10 and Numbers 2.

The tables above show the structures of the four creatures' heads according to the clock points, both primary and secondary, and the four creatures in heaven and Israel’s Exodus camp according to Numbers two.

Despite the unmatching of the ensigns, the patterns of the heads are similar. There are four heads of the man, bull, feline and bird/eagle on all dimensional planes—the spiritual plane in heaven around God’s throne, the Hebrews, and the earth clock.  The hidden fourth derives from the Christian patriarchs with the structure of the New Testament books: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

Pattern 4

When we analyse the Christian Structure, only then is the fourth pattern visible. The alignment of the lion, the bull, the man and the eagle with the secondary clock points are parallel. And the alignment of the man, bull, lion, and eagle for the bible structure for numbers two and primary clock points for the clock structure.

The tables’ cells hued in soft orange below shows the visual discovery of the four-face angel's alignment for the Christian and clock structure.

The Emblems Structure Alignment

Table 4c-The above table displays the Christian structure derived from the New Testament and how it correlates with the clock structure secondary CPs seen in table 5.
Table 5-The table above displays the emblem alignment within the secondary CPs with the Christian structure seen in table 4c.

The clock structure’s secondary list matching the Christian design is bizarre yet remarkable. The words ‘cat’ and ‘lion’ are used interchangeably for these tables because they are of the same feline species. Also note the eagle and bird runner are birds of the air, as cats and lions are felines.

The tables below containing the clock structure’s primary or principal emblems match the bible structure, specifically the camp of Israel. The blue-hued cells help identify the similarities.

Table 6-The tables above display the four faces of the Cherubim alignment pattern for the clock and bible structure.

Cherubim (plural for Cherub) are the super-angels who are four-faced creatures. And if the fallen Cherub (aka Satan) resides on earth, he will leave traces of himself around the planet because he is a proud being and expects acknowledgement for his works, wisdom and dark accomplishments.

So perhaps, these emblems are a result of the fallen Cherub and the bizarre connection to Revelation 13. Click here to see the connection.


There are six schools! Then there's the Hualapai Tribe (on land with tall pines) and Mexico (with an eagle clawing a snake).

Why are there six schools? [Children are the future generation]

It so happens these schools found on the CPs so happen to have emblems that seem to be a type that represents the super-angels for the secondary CPs. It's mindboggling that the primary CPs have the symbols for the three four-faced Super-angels in heaven (the fallen Cherub was part of their crew). 

Some bible references about the fallen Cherub read:

"Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius, topaz, and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and gold: the workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created. Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth; and I have set thee so: thou wast upon the holy mountain of God; thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire. Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee. By the multitude of thy merchandise they have filled the midst of thee with violence, and thou hast sinned: therefore I will cast thee as profane out of the mountain of God: and I will destroy thee, O covering cherub, from the midst of the stones of fire. Thine heart was lifted up because of thy beauty, thou hast corrupted thy wisdom by reason of thy brightness: I will cast thee to the ground, I will lay thee before kings, that they may behold thee. Thou hast defiled thy sanctuaries by the multitude of thine iniquities, by the iniquity of thy traffick; therefore will I bring forth a fire from the midst of thee, it shall devour thee, and I will bring thee to ashes upon the earth in the sight of all them that behold thee. All they that know thee among the people shall be astonished at thee: thou shalt be a terror, and never shalt thou be any more."

- Ezekiel 28:13 - 19



Once again the fallen cherub is seen as ‘wise’ in God’s eyes but wisdom - corrupt. Thus, indicating that being a being of wisdom, he can pinpoint people's personality attributes, characteristics and behaviours with specific anointings. 

I think it's time as Christians to realise we have the ultimate power and authority to strategise what God reveals and attack with our artillery of prayer.  To love each other as intended and also realise that we can't change a tiger but we can unite and be like the super-angels in battle knowing God has our backs.


Here we see how Mπ when calculated with the clock hours formed coordinates. Part of the coordinates reveal the four-faced cherub which lead to interesting patterns that align with the clock, and the heavenly cherubs and the way Israel camped in the wilderness. 

Just as how the cherubs have four faces, there appear to be four patterns, one pattern for each face. And the emblems so happen to be consistent with the species that belong to the primary rulers of the kingdoms of man and animal. There seems to be too many coincidences, perhaps what we are been shown is that there is more going on behind the scenes. 


Belton Middle School, 2022, 'Woodward Creative Group', viewed 28 October 2022. 

Belton New Tech @ Waskkow, 2011, 'YouTube Channel', viewed 28 October 2022.

Holbrook Unified Schools, 2022, 'Holbrook Unified School District 3 Overview', Glass Door, viewed 31 August 2022.

Hualapai Tribe 2022, 'Great Seal of Hualapai Tribe 1883, Peach Springs, Arizona', viewed 31 August 2022.

Lee, R 2022, 'Robert Lee Independent School District', viewed 31 August 2022.

Lovington Municipal School District, 2022, 'Lovington Public School', viewed 31 August 2022.

Missler, C 2021, Numbers Commentary handbook, p. 16 pdf, Koinonia House Inc, viewed 27 August 2022.

Missler, C 2020, Matthew Commentary Handbook, the design of the gospels, p. 78 pdf, Koinonia House Inc, viewed 29 October 2022.

Nelson, T 2007, ‘New King James study bible’- Ezekiel 28: 13-19', 2nd edn, Thomas Nelson, viewed 31 August 2022.

Pi-o Star, 4th Door, Broader Bermuda 2022.

Pruett, T A 2020, T. A. Pruett's Commentary on the Books of Moses: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy. United States, WestBow Press. Viewed 27 August 2022.

Ramos, J 2020, 'Hamshire Fannett suspends summer workouts after a student tested positive for coronavirus', Beaumont Enterprise, viewed 31 August 2022.

Socorro Consolidated Schools, 2022, 'Socorro Consolidated Schools: Educate, Nurture, Inspire' viewed 31 August 2022.

Wikipedia 2022, 'Mexican Coat of Arms- Seal of the Government of Mexico', viewed 31 August 2022.


[1] Hualapai Tribe with a man and woman with feathers and is governed by a nine-member tribe council.

[2] Hamshire-Fannet Independent School, high school sports news with a bull emblem.

[3] Lovington Public School, with a roaring feline ensign.

[4] Gulf of Mexico, Seal of the Government of Mexico, with the eagle grasping a snake within its claws.

[5] Belton Independent School District, TX, USA, with the tiger and dragon emblems. 

[6] Robert Lee Independent School 2022, with a raging bull emblem.

[7] Socorro Consolidated Schools, Native Indian with a feather headdress/crown.

[8] Holbrook Unified Schools, Working at Holbrook Unified School District 3.