Genesis 15

Trinity Matrix Third Pattern

"151 After these things the word of the LORD came to Abram in a vision, saying, “Do not be Afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your exceedingly great reward. 9 So He said to him, “Bring Me a three-year-old heifer, a three-year-old female goat, a three-year-old ram, a turtledove, and a young pigeon.” 

 Genesis 15:1 & 9 NKJV

Bible Passage Explained

Table 1-a snippet of the Hebrew Calendars from Exodus 12:2

First of all, from studying the Hebrew Calendar, three hidden number patterns were uncovered and these were also uncovered on script numbers on a wall clock. This section is about the borderline codes. Borderlines come in a few forms, some appear as ‘deliverances’, ‘restorations’, & ‘realms activations and interventions’.  Some are subtle codes, others are budding while other codes are outstanding.


However, every number in the Bible whether in chapters, verse or prose forms all have the same characteristics that comes with the discovered number patterns. The above passage is one of many of the ‘borderline codes’ only distinguishable when we join all the parts that make up the entire picture. The passage is an example that deserves a bit more specious attention because verse nine has three mentions of plant eating animals (although the entire chapter is strewn with the entire matrix). Verse nine appears to be a highlight where God is indirectly saying "look at me I'm special". The nine and three pattern is one of the outstanding forms of the 'borderline codes'. 


Recalling how the three number patterns (which will be referred to as Trinity Matrix from here on), revealed nine follows after three, twelve follows after six, and eleven (which sums to two) follows after five and eight and so forth. 


Chapter number 15 hints at the activation of the Spirit realm with mans realm, and verse one reaffirms the Deity activation and i.e. the “LORD came to Abram. . .” Observe how number 1 = God, perfect, strong leader & 5 = Jesus number for grace & redemption, comforter, and life-giver.1  

Number 15 also sits at CP 3 Add 15 = 6


Verse nine has three types of plant eating animals, one male (heifer/Ox 3yrs old), one female (goat 3yrs old), and one male (ram 3yrs old). We add the ages of all three we get nine [ 3 x 3 = 9]; we add the three different species with a total of ages we get twelve [3 + 9 = 12]. Observe number 9 = final/death, or preserve, judgment and security, 3 = Trinity, gather, or group. Meanings derived from endnote 1. 

Number 9 sits at CP 9   Number 3 sits at CP 3  

Observe how there are three animals of the ground: Heifer, goat and ram; and three birds of the air: dove, pigeon and vultures. We see the innocent creatures sacrificed to redeem the guilty in herbivore form and the pure (dove) put opposite the impure (pigeon). Vultures2  imply evil spirits who like to steal what isn’t theirs. Also note, Jesus/Triune God are “the lion” (aka Judah), and the herbivore sacrificed by Abram was for the original Predatorthe Lion. But the vultures (another predator, know what is at play and wanted to steal the Lion’s “meal”, but Abram made sure they didn’t win. He used his will, power and authority to keep what was his, while waiting for God to respond. 
