The Molten Sea

Trinity Matrix in the Molten Sea

And he made a molten sea [brazen laver], ten cubits from the one brim to the other: it was round all about, and his height was five cubits: and a line of thirty cubits did compass it round about.”

- 1 Kings 7:23

Image 1-Missler’s Molten Sea1 

Bible Passage Explained

The above passage fascinates me because this verse has a hidden borderline code of nine. When we add all the numbers: 10 + 5 + 30 = 45. Add 4 + 5 = 9; interestingly, 452  = 2025. And we know when there’s a nine there’s a three. The three is hidden in ch 7 + vs23 = 30. We know that it took 30° shift to the right with the Hebrew and Gregorian calendars to align with the structure of the clock, we see this number hidden—twice, the first in the Molten sea measurement and the second in the added ch and vs. Thirty (30) is also the number of Jesus age when he started his ministry. 

Additionally, we know from the third Trinity Matrix pattern when there’s a three, and nine there’s also a six. The six is hidden in the number ‘one’ and the ‘five’ letters from the word ‘Kings’. 

Therefore, 1 + 5 = 6. Although, when we combine ch 7 and vs 23 we get 723, which results in 12 when summed up, but 12/2 = 6/2 = 3.

Number 45 sits at CP 9 Add 45 = 9

Number 30 sits at CP 6 Add 30 = 3

Number 723 sits at CP 3 Add 723 = 12

We know from the third Trinity Matrix pattern in Hebrew Calendar number form when there’s a six, there’s a twelve. Which leads us to the four cardinal compass points, which forms the cross of Jesus Christ. 

A knowledge known to mature & serious Christians is the two differences between the two realms, also known as God’s Kingdom and Mans Kingdom. The key for the 2D graphics above shows how the two dimensions were divided, but Jesus' death and rising on the third day bridged the gap, thus bringing the merging of the realms as displayed in the right graphic. 


God’s Kingdom never changes; nothing grows old; this is known as the “Law of Eternity”. When his spirit communicates with our spirit, we learn the fear of the Lord—this fear brings wisdom, communion and conscience. Wisdom is also one of the seven Spirits of the Lord3. He teaches that once we learn to have righteous fear, we understand the importance of communicating (communion) with him with our mouths and with our ears. Once we learn to activate our spiritual senses of our eyes, & ears, we become conscientiously (conscience) aware of God’s Kingdom in all forms (light and darkness), and that’s when discernment (using our spirit nose to sniff the pleasant things of God and the sulphur, stinky smell of the enemy) becomes possible.  


Man's kingdom grows old, deteriorates and passes away4. The “Law of Decay”5 is at play. Everything and everyone made on earth eventually decays. However, our spirit, through communing with the Holy Spirit, enables us to maintain self-control with our soul—mind, will and emotions, which is not to be confused with the body—which has blood, flesh and bones. Things of the flesh will never understand things of the Spirit6, but with the Holy Spirit, we are able to merge the two kingdoms of the physical and the unseen. Just like how God's Kingdom has different levels within the three heavens, so does man's kingdom. We are able to discipline the flesh (dying to the flesh self daily) with self-control, the ninth fruit of the Holy Spirit, which is the ‘rudder’ for all other fruit. 

Merged Kingdoms

Being able to understand the differences between the two kingdoms is crucial to understanding the information on the following page, which will discuss how the ‘Molten Sea’ is another symbolic picture code in which the Triune God has hidden for us to discover. The deliberate symbol is just a portion of the “tapestry” or the base “sauce” of any pizza before the toppings. 

Molten Sea: “Eagle View”

Graphics 2 & 3 are a contrivance of a personal digital sketch of the Molten Sea from a supposed eagle view. As we observe the graphics, we can see the ‘deliberate design’ directing our eyes to Jesus Christ once again. However, in all honesty, graphic one depending on how one sees the picture can look like a light snack—a spread of cherries poked with toothpicks surrounding a bowl of liquid on top of a platter or can be seen from the crucifixion view of the ‘crown of thorns’ laid on our saviour by unworthy hands on his head as a replacement atonement taking our sins as his own to enable us in the future to be free from one of the powers of sin, and that is the power of mental chaos and negativity. Hence, graphic 3 displays the merging of the two-spirit and soul alignments. His strong, pure, positive, well-organized thoughts replace our weak, doubtful thoughts. Our ‘can’t’ turns into ‘can’ once we understand the significance of the helmet of salvation7.

We see the story of his thoughts, and he foresaw future generations in the Molten Sea as he lay in the middle (CP 3) of that wooden cross with a sinner on his left (CP 1) and right (CP 7); he saw the rest of us on the other three sides of the world, the remainder of the timelines and ages, knowing each second spent hanging was worth it just so we could be reconciled into his bowl of acceptance so we don’t miss the “wedding of the times”. 

On a conclusion note, the 12 cows surrounding the bowl also represent the 12 wind portals that surround the earth, three on each point, exactly as the cows are stationed. All the middle wind portals are winds that bring forth life, while the other two on the left and right are winds of destruction, famine, blight and pestilence.

The passage also reveals an input (cows facing outward) and an output (all their buttocks facing the middle), a type alluding to the middle of the earth, where all the heat and ‘gases’ swirl and perhaps the dreaded hell where all the ‘faeces’ & stench of sin resides. At the same time, the water alludes to the water of life that washes away sins through baptism. The consistency of God’s deliberate designs hidden there a little and here a little8 never ceases to amaze me. 

Just to throw it out there, the video displays how the nine fruit of the Holy Spirit is in sound form. Measured by a Cymascope, which is a device that measures the vibration of sound, one sphere that is very intriguing is the third fruit which is peace. Peace appears to have twelve portals that match the twelve bulls from the Molten Sea and the twelve points on a clock. And is the calmest form from observation. 
